Treason: Boris Johnson Calls for Full Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 30, 2016

Boris Johnson visit to the USA - Day 3

Rather than some kind of economic decision, relating to free trade or currency, the Brexit vote was a referendum on immigration.

The British government has a mandate. In particular, the conservatives do.

Boris Johnson was a Brexit supporter.

Now he’s saying he wants amnesty for all invading monkeys.


Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has called for illegal immigrants to be granted amnesty after Brexit, according to reports.

Those who have evaded authorities for 10 years should be granted the right to work and live in the UK because it will benefit the economy, he allegedly said.

Endlessly, we hear this “benefit the economy” nonsense.

It is a clear and demonstrable lie – these people are parasites – but even if it were true – no one cares.

This isn’t about economics. This is about maintaining a social order, and on the larger scale, maintaining the national and ethnic identity of the British people.

The idea of an amnesty, which Johnson reportedly raised during a meeting in Downing Street, has been labeled “insane” by one minister.

“It’s an insane idea and would make ordinary Brits furious,” an anonymous minister told the Sun.

“A lot of us round the table couldn’t believe Boris is still going on about this. Privately, Boris is still the most pro-immigration member of the Cabinet.”

Johnson first raised the idea of an amnesty in 2008 and repeated it during his time as Mayor of London.

During the referendum campaign, when Johnson was a lead figure in the Leave camp, he described it as the “humane thing to do.”

Prime Minister Theresa May ruled out the idea of an amnesty during her time as home secretary, claiming it would “send the wrong message.”

“We are not looking afresh at an amnesty for illegal migrants, and will not be,” a Home Office spokesman said.

A spokesman for Johnson said, “Boris reiterated what he has said publicly before about amnesties, including during the EU referendum campaign.

“He feels he has a moral responsibility to raise it, as it is what he believes.

“Any suggestion that there was strong disagreement expressed during the meeting is wrong.”

The Brexit vote was even a referendum on Eastern Europeans, and I don’t think that there is any excuse for leaving large numbers of them in the country.

But the “illegals” are all brown people.

As the minister said: this is insane.

Boris Johnson should be tried for treason for even making this statement.

Britain is in a desperate situation, where they just don’t have any politicians capable of representing the will of the people following Brexit. Theresa May herself was a remain campaigner. Johnson is really the only figure who was pro-leave, and he is the most aggressive invasionist.

Brexit was about immigration. Nothing else. Or, virtually nothing else. Britain needs a government that will perform the will of the people.

Trump needs to sanction governments which refuse to honor the wishes of the masses and remove kebab.