Trial Starts for Illegal Beaner Deported Five Times Before Killing White Girl

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 24, 2017

I’ll tell you this much: we are going to need a hell of a lot more than a wall to deal with these beaners.

Whatever more than the wall that we need Mexico will also pay for.


A Mexican national who touched off a debate on illegal immigration when he fatally shot a woman on a San Francisco pier fired the gun on purpose, a prosecutor said Monday in her opening statement at his trial.

Deputy District Attorney Diana Garcia showed jurors the handgun that Jose Ines Garcia Zarate is accused of firing and said a ballistics expert will testify that the only way to fire it is to pull the trigger.

“It’s a very reliable, high-quality gun,” Garcia said. “It’s one that won’t go off on accident.”

Garcia Zarate’s lawyer, Matt Gonzalez, countered that his client did not know he had picked up a gun when he reached under a bench and found something wrapped in a T-shirt. The lawyer said the gun had no safety and operated on a hair-trigger motion.

The shooting in 2015 touched off a political furor during last year’s presidential race, with President Donald Trump citing the killing of 32-year-old Kate Steinle as a reason to toughen U.S. immigration policies.

The handgun belonged to a Bureau of Land Management ranger who reported that it had been stolen from his parked car in San Francisco a week before Steinle was shot.

Prosecutors called Steinle’s father as their first witness.

The elder Steinle said he heard a loud “bang” and his daughter collapsed in his arms, saying “‘help me, Dad.'”

Jim Steinle said her eyes were closed and she had trouble breathing.

“I couldn’t figure out what was wrong,” he said, choking back tears. “She didn’t have any health problems.”

He rolled her on her side and discovered a bullet hole with little blood. Paramedics arrived and she was later declared dead at a hospital.

Garcia Zarate, 54, has acknowledged shooting Steinle in the back. He has said he was handling the handgun when it accidentally fired.

Garcia Zarate had been deported five times and was homeless in San Francisco when he shot Steinle. He had recently completed a prison sentence for illegal re-entry to the U.S. when he was transferred to the San Francisco County jail to face a 20-year-old marijuana charge.