Trump 3 Solid Points Over Hillary Following the Collapse

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 13, 2016


The first poll released since the 911 collapse has Trump up 3 points over Hillary.

And get this. It was taken between the 6th and the 12th. So only a small percentage of those polled had already known of the collapse, the cover-up and the pneumonia hoax.

It is going to be extremely exciting over the next couple days to see the rest of the polls. They can hoax, but they were already hoaxing – they aren’t going to be able to bury this drop.

It will also be fascinating to see if they replace Hillary with Biden.

We saw Axelrod come out and attack Hillary, along with several other prominent Jews and liberals, making it clear that there is a behind-the-scenes push to throw the stupid bitch’s frail, flailing body underneath the bus.

We’re going to see that call made in the next 72 hours or so.

I think it is most likely that they won’t drop her. But, I’d say there’s probably a one-in-three chance they will. Obviously, she’s going to have more of these health incidents before the election. And this one event was enough. I don’t think it’s possible for her to win.

Is Biden better? Idk. Maybe? I guess?

Exciting times.
