Trump Accepts Meeting with North Korea!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 9, 2018

The media gaslights the people who hate Trump in all kinds of different ways. It isn’t hard to do. They hate him for who he is a lot more than they hate him for any specific policy or behavior.

But at the same time, they are gaslighting Trump’s own people – us – into thinking he isn’t doing anything.

Of course, there is only so much he can do with the entire government against him. But basically everywhere he has had the room to win, he has won.

He’s just bullied North Korea into submission.

Daily Mail:

President Donald Trump has accepted North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un’s dramatic offer to meet, the White House has confirmed.

The meeting was first announced by South Korea’s national security adviser Chung Eui-yong, who claimed it was due to take place by the end of May.

However, a statement from White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders did not confirm the two-month timeplan, and said the place and time of the meeting was still being worked out.

‘President Trump greatly appreciates the nice words of the South Korean delegation and President Moon. He will accept the invitation to meet with Kim Jong Un at a place and time to be determined,’ Sanders said. 

‘We look forward to the denuclearization of North Korea. In the meantime, all sanctions and maximum pressure must remain.’

Chung, who made the announcement on behalf of South Korea, led the delegation visiting North Korea earlier this week, and the invitation to meet Trump was reportedly made to him directly by Kim Jong Un.

Chung said that Kim understands and accepts the fact that joint U.S.-South Korean military exercises will continue, but that he also made promises to halt nuclear testings until the meeting with Trump takes place.

A U.S. official later said the meeting would take place in ‘a matter of a couple of months’ but did not commit the president to a face-to-face with Kim this spring.

‘He [Kim] conveyed that he wants to meet with President Trump as quickly as possible,’ the senior official stated.

This wasn’t a big deal to me, but it was a major world issue in the media.

They were billing this as the literal APOCALYPSE.


If Trump is given room to win, he wins. That is the lesson here.

The entire Jew program is about continually cock-blocking Trump, ensuring that he isn’t ever able to have access to the issues that need solving. They use all kinds of different methods to keep him from accessing what resources he needs to solve a problem.

With North Korea, I think they threw this at him because they didn’t think he’d be able to solve it, and he did – even in the midst of pissing China off over tariffs!

If he can solve this, he could easily solve the minor issues we have with Russia and create the ULTIMATE BROFIST.

Continually, it is the GLOBALISTS standing in Trump’s way as he tries to solve these issues.

All of this is becoming obvious to any serious observer.

The further the Jews entrench themselves, the better.