Trump: Afghanistan Safe Than American Inner City

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 13, 2016


These people have turned our country into a friggin war zone!

Time to go full-Duterte!


Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump has blasted the state of US inner cities saying Americans would be safer walking through “war-torn countries” like Afghanistan than “being in the middle of some of our inner cities.”

Trump made the comments at a rally in Asheville, North Carolina, where a crowd of almost 10,000 gathered inside the US Cellular Center to hear him speak. In a brutal attack against the Democratic Party, who he claims has been controlling inner city areas for “a hundred years straight,” Trump said a “new agenda” was needed.

“The Democratic Party has run the inner cities for 50, 60, 70 years and even a hundred years straight,” he said, speaking to his supporters. “We are on a mission of change. That includes a new agenda for our inner cities.”

He mentioned that inner cities in the US have become “a mess,” while he accused Democratic politicians “like Clinton” of “taking these voters for granted.”

“You can go to war, you can go to Afghanistan. You can go to war-torn countries and you will find that it’s safer than being in the middle of some of our inner cities,” he said.

To rousing cheers from around the arena, he urged black voters to “give Donald Trump a chance,” adding that “you have nothing to lose, it can’t get any worse,” after citing poverty rates for African Americans living in inner city areas.

“It’s time to break with the bitter failures of the past and embrace a new American future,” he said. “That means great jobs, great schools and great neighborhoods, and it also means safety.”

One of my favorite clips in a while, this one.