Trump Again Defends Charlottesville Marchers. Interesting.

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 27, 2019

It appears that Donald Trump is at least vaguely aware of how much influence the Alt-Right had on his election victory, and is also at least vaguely aware of how angry we are with him, and is going to attempt to mitigate that anger.

The Daily Stormer officially endorsed Donald Trump for President days after his announcement speech, and the Daily Stormer was among the first (after Ann Coulter) to abandon support for him due to his inability to do literally any single thing he said he was going to do.

If you look at the numbers he won by in swing states, it is clear that the Alt-Right swung the election. If you were able to calculate the effect that memes had (you can’t, but imagine if you could), it is highly improbable that without Alt-Right meme support, he even would have won the primary.

Right now, I am on the verge of endorsing Bernie Sanders. And I absolutely will endorse Andrew Yang if he becomes a viable candidate.

I thought he might make it all the way to a total loss in the 2020 election without ever having grasped the gravity of his situation. But he appears to be beginning to grasp it.


President Donald Trump defended his equivocating comments following white nationalist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, saying Friday that he was referring to supporters of the Confederate general Robert E. Lee when he said there were “fine people” on both sides.

“I have answered that question, and if you look at what I said, you will see that question was answered perfectly,” Trump said Friday at the White House.

He was making the comments a day after former Vice President Joe Biden used the episode as the opening salvo of his presidential campaign.

In a campaign announcement video released Thursday, Biden said that by claiming there were “fine people” on both sides in the Charlottesville riot, “the President of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it.

And Biden was defending antifa rioters attacking people with bats, chemicals, flamethrowers and pointing rifles at people…

Every journalist and every single individual who watched any of the footage knows that all of the right-wing violence was defensive. The “counterprotesters” went there for the explicit purpose of committing violence. This entire narrative of “right-wing” violence is an utter fantasy, based on absolutely nothing other than media lies. Everyone knows that.

But that’s okay.

Responding to the white nationalist and neo-Nazi protests, which led to the death of one person, Trump said almost two years ago that there were “people that were very fine people on both sides.”

“I was talking about people that went because they felt very strongly about the monument to Robert E. Lee, a great general,” Trump said Friday. “Whether you like it or not, he was one of the great generals.”

Trump also said that opinion was shared by some of the military brass he consults at the White House.

“I have spoken to many generals here right at the White House. And many people thought, of the generals, they think he was maybe their favorite general. People were there protesting the taking down of the monument of Robert E. Lee. Everybody knows that,” Trump said.

This is too little too late, of course.

He could win back my support. But there is no situation in which that happens that does not involve firing Jared Kushner.

Probably, the singular act of firing Jared Kushner would be enough, because it is Kushner who is preventing anything good from happening and causing all of these bad things to happen. Everything would fix itself if this Jew was gone, and nothing can be fixed, no matter how hard he tries, as long as this Jew is around.

So my advice to Trump is this: if you’re not going to fire Kushner, then just fuck off.

Don’t bother with defending us. Just campaign on this bullshit fight against socialism and Democrat anti-Semitism, and leave us the fuck out of it.

I don’t want to be involved. I don’t want to be defended by a man who locks up his own supporters. I don’t want to be defended by Queen Esther, savior of the Jews. I don’t want anything to do with any of this.