Trump Allegedly Upset That John Bolton is Trying to Force Him Into a War in Venezuela

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 10, 2019

As a general rule, “President” Galongo Blingond appears to be trapped in a fugue state and have absolutely no idea what is going on in his immediate personal vicinity, let alone anything happening outside of his field of vision.

John Bolton also appears to hide his true goals behind his mustache, easily deceiving Blingond as to his intentions.

But apparently, the talk of Bolton attempting to shimmy him into a war in South America was so loud that even Blingond couldn’t help but hear it.


President Donald Trump said Thursday he is satisfied with advice he’s been receiving from John Bolton on international affairs, repudiating recent reports that he’s losing faith in his national security adviser.

“He has strong views on things but that’s okay. I actually temper John, which is pretty amazing,” Trump said Thursday during an Oval Office press conference. “I’m the one that tempers him. That’s okay. I have different sides. I have John Bolton and other people that are a little more dovish than him. I like John.”

On Wednesday, The Washington Post reported Trump felt Bolton was trying to get him “into a war,” with Venezuela following Juan Guaidó’s failed coup attempt — a comment Trump later insisted was made in jest.

So the comment was made then.

He’s just saying it was a joke and that he actually isn’t worried about John Bolton getting him into a war with Venezuela, even while everyone skimming the headlines of the general news can see that this is exactly what’s happening.


It’s hard not to have some sympathy for Galongo. He really has absolutely no idea what is happening and is surrounded by a dastardly group of bloodsucking psychopaths who he believes are “the best” because he has no way of determining otherwise.

We are going to war with Venezuela, unless John Bolton and Mike Pompeo are both fired. Furthermore, these people appear to be plotting a three front war spanning the entire circular plate of the flat earth – Venezuela, Iran and North Korea.