Trump and Russia Colluded to Defeat ISIS

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 16, 2016

Russia is pointing out that they actually defeated ISIS.


Russia’s Defense Ministry has criticized the U.S. over what it claims are mixed messages about its fight against the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) in Syria.

The Russian military was irked by President Donald Trump’s taking credit for defeating the Islamist group, while the military has maintained forces on the ground in Syria. Moscow’s blunt response came after Trump saluted U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis for doing a “fantastic job” in fighting the group last week and once again praised the U.S. “campaign to obliterate ISIS” during a defense budget signing on Tuesday. “As you know, we’ve won in Syria, we’ve won in Iraq. But they spread to other areas and we’re getting them as fast as they spread,” Trump said.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has also attempted to portray Moscow as the winner in the Syrian war, and his defense ministry has taken offense at Trump’s words, accusing U.S. defense chiefs of lying. Major General Igor Konashenkov, spokesman for Russia’s Defense Ministry, said the U.S. should either pull out of Syria, or stop letting President Donald Trump claim victory.

“It appears that either the Pentagon is consciously deceiving the international and American public, including their own commander in chief, or there no longer exist any grounds or formal pretexts for American forces to be in Syria,” Konashenkov said on Friday, reported in state media outlet Tass.

Konashenkov took aim at the fact that the U.S. does not plan to end its military intervention in Syria. Russia, a military ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has long argued that it is part of the only legitimate intervention in the country because the Syrian autocrat asked for Moscow’s help and not that of the U.S. and its allies.

In fact, Russia is correct.

They are the ones who defeated the enemy with bombs.

But the enemy wouldn’t even have been there in the first place if the West, in the name of Israel, hadn’t created it.

And it was Donald Trump who pulled the funding for these terrorists and allowed Russia to clean-up.

So the accurate statement would be: Trump and Russia colluded to defeat ISIS.