Trump Apparently Ended the Trade War with China. I Guess.

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 20, 2018


I get that the money stuff is important. Jobs and so on. That’s really the most important thing as far as general approval ratings.

But really what I would like to see is Trump start a WAR with MEXICO.


Washington and Beijing have agreed to abandon any trade war and back off from imposing tariffs on each other, Chinese state media reported Sunday.

The announcement came after high-level talks in the US capital and followed months of tensions over what President Donald Trump has blasted as an unfair commercial relationship between the two economic giants.

Vice-Premier Liu He, who led Chinese negotiators in Washington said: “The two sides reached a consensus, will not fight a trade war, and will stop increasing tariffs on each other,” state-run news agency Xinhua reported Sunday.

Liu called the agreement a “necessity”, but added: “At the same time it must be realised that unfreezing the ice cannot be done in a day, solving the structural problems of the economic and trade relations between the two countries will take time.”

An earlier joint statement issued in Washington said Beijing would “significantly” increase its purchases of American goods, but offered few details.

The apparent detente comes after months of increasing tensions that have set markets on edge over fears of a damaging trade war.

Trump has repeatedly railed against his country’s trade deficit with China, describing it as a danger to US national security and threatening to impose tariffs on billions of dollars’ worth of Chinese goods.

US levies on $50 billion of Chinese imports could have come into effect as early as next week.

“There was a consensus on taking effective measures to substantially reduce the United States trade deficit in goods with China,” the joint statement said.

“To meet the growing consumption needs of the Chinese people and the need for high-quality economic development, China will significantly increase purchases of United States goods and services.”

This is a major victory for Trump.

Art of the Deal.

In this area, he did exactly what he told us he was going to do.

It is kind of amazing to even comprehend the concept of America exporting goods to China.

Though I guess China is changing…

Must say it: Trump does a good job on these sorts of things. 

And I still genuinely believe he would be doing a good job on everything else if he didn’t have these vicious kikes at his throat every second.

But this whole “President Bolton” thing man.

Really, really has me bummed out.

Vanity Fair – which is not a particularly important or reliable information source, I realize – published this week a very interesting article about how Bolton is playing an Iago role, setting himself up as the center of power and undermining the President himself.

I don’t think Trump is stupid enough to not know if that is what is happening… and it looks like what is happening.

So I would say that some kikes with some kind of leverage said “look, goy – we’re bringing this guy in, he’s gonna run things from here on out.”