Trump Blocks Evil Jew Terrorist Elliot Abrams From State Department Job

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 11, 2017

Every morning I fear I’m going to wake up to find that Trump has hired some filthy kike terrorist like Elliot Abrams to serve in our government.

It didn’t happen today though.


Elliott Abrams, who served Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, will not get the No. 2 job at the State Department, three Republican sources told CNN.

But Abrams was nixed from the list of contenders after President Donald Trump learned of Abrams’ biting criticism last May of his fitness to become president, the Republican sources said.

The President found out about Abrams’ outspokenness against Trump after meeting with him on Tuesday to consider him for the position, which would have made him Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s deputy. The meeting went well, but Trump could not get past Abrams’ past criticism, the sources said.

Abrams, Bush’s deputy national security adviser, had emerged as the top contender to become Tillerson’s right-hand man.

“This is a loss for the State Department and the country and, for that matter, for the President,” said one Republican source.

Another Republican source with knowledge of what happened said Abrams would not get the job because of “Donald Trump’s thin skin and nothing else.”

Tillerson tried to convince Trump to make Abrams his deputy despite the criticism because he felt he needed his foreign policy experience, according to multiple sources. White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and senior adviser Jared Kushner also strongly supported Abrams and urged Trump to reconsider, the sources said.

Abrams penned an opinion piece in May in The Weekly Standard titled “When You Can’t Stand Your Candidate” after Trump clinched enough support to become the GOP’s presumptive nominee.

“The party has nominated someone who cannot win and should not be president of the United States,” Abrams wrote in the first line of the article.

Guarantee that is not why he got blocked.

This is just more fake news, trying to explain away Trump’s lack of a connection with Jewish neo-cons as some kind of petty personal thing.

Trump vowed to end the Bush-Obama program of infinity war for Israel.

And Trump is making good on his vows.

On some level he does need to entertain these people, do interviews with them and so on, just to keep people cool, make it look like he’s not totally opposed while he’s solidifying power.