Trump Called Burned-Up Fag a “Crazy Jew”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 9, 2018

Trump clearly does know about the Jews.

We’ve known he knows, and the Jews have known he knows, for a long time.

Jewish Daily Forward:

Donald Trump called the man who died in a fire at the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York a “crazy Jew” over two decades ago, the New York Daily News reported.

Todd Brassner, an art dealer, was a longtime resident of Trump Tower — but he couldn’t wait to get out. He had filed for bankruptcy in 2015, and was trying to sell is $2.5 million apartment on the 50th floor.

“He hated living at Trump Tower. He talked about not living there almost nonstop,” a friend of Brassner’s told the Daily News.

According to Patrick Goldsmith, another friend of Brassner’s, Donald Trump once called Brassner a “crazy Jew.” Trump asked the doorman who Goldsmith was after he saw Goldsmith staring at Trump’s famously small hands. Goldsmith told Trump he was visiting Brassner. “Oh, that crazy Jew?” Trump reportedly responded.

I’m sure that Jew was crazy and it’s great he’s dead.

However, that isn’t really very important to me.

The crazy Jews that I’m concerned about are the ones that are trying to push us into a war with Syria, and Trump isn’t saying anything at all about them.

Instead, he’s saying he’s going to do something in the next 48 hours.

Fuck this.

If he goes to war over this stupid hoax, that’s it, I’m done with the whole thing.

Trump knows that too.

He knows that the most important part of his base, which has been patient on everything else, won’t tolerate some nutzo neocon war.


Call the White House tomorrow morning and tell the President.