Trump Calls Out Dr. Donothing AKA Captain Aw Shucks AKA Jeff Sessions

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 1, 2018

Some Trump 36D interdimensional underwater time-traveling chess narratives are good and some are bad and who knows.

But just so you understand with this situation: the chess narrative is that Trump doesn’t want anything to be investigated yet, he wants the evidence to keep piling up, and he wants the Democrats to think it’s all on Jeff Sessions who is not acting because he is either weak or because he is on their side.

I don’t know what the deal here is, but I tend to be skeptical of chess narratives involving Sessions because Sessions recusing himself was definitely not chess. That was the single biggest fuck-up of the entire Trump administration, and is basically the reason all of this is happening.

New York Times:

The long-simmering friction between President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions erupted into an extraordinary public face-off on Wednesday as the investigation into Russia’s election interference roiled the administration and raised new questions about the independence of law enforcement agencies.

Mr. Trump excoriated Mr. Sessions for not ordering his own investigation into the handling of the Russia inquiry during its early months, calling his attorney general “DISGRACEFUL” in a lacerating Twitter post. Mr. Sessions, who has absorbed blows from the White House since last year mostly in silence, responded with a rare statement defending his “integrity and honor.”

The back-and-forth, unthinkable in previous administrations, came during a week of unrest at the White House. As the president railed about the special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s Russia investigation, his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, was stripped of his top-secret security clearance. One of Mr. Trump’s closest aides, Hope Hicks, announced that she will step down as communications director. And Mr. Trump’s former campaign chairman was back in court pleading not guilty to new charges.

The schism between Mr. Trump and his attorney general has become a persistent subplot of his administration, an almost Shakespearean rift between a president and one of his earliest and strongest supporters. Mr. Sessions was the first senator to back Mr. Trump’s candidacy but has fallen out of favor because the president wanted an attorney general who would protect him and investigate his political enemies.


“Jeff Sessions, hero of the NYT!”

Whatever is going on with Captain Aw Shucks, it is actually good that all of this stuff is piling up. And remember, Mueller himself is a key conspirator – he lined his counsel with all of these criminals from the initial FBI conspiracy, as well as other criminals from everywhere, forming a sort of Legion of Doom.

He also knew at least when he was appointed about all the criminal actions that took place to get the FISA warrant – the Hillary funding of Steele and the FBI lying about it, the fact that the initial premise of his appointment was a hoax – and all this other stuff.

So letting him keep going for now is a good thing. He will eventually have to admit there is no Trump conspiracy – at which point Trump says “okay, it’s time for a second special counsel to investigate all of you people.”