Trump Campaign Spokesperson Says It’s All About Fighting Socialism

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 6, 2019

As predicted, the Trump 2020 campaign is going to be primarily about fighting socialism.


Trump campaign spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany told Breitbart’s Washington editor Matt Boyle on Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Saturday that the president’s re-election team will hold down the key battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania in 2020 by clearly articulating the Trump administration’s accomplishments in creating a thriving economy.

That message, she noted, will resonate with voters who have seen the return of a half a million manufacturing jobs, a consequence of the Trump administration’s economic policies. Polls, she added, show that residents of red states embrace capitalism and reject socialism pushed by leftists driving the Democratic party’s agenda.

Surprisingly, she did also mention immigration.

I had thought this was a dead issue.

With the economy doing well, McEnany noted, immigration is poised to become a top issue in the 2020 presidential election campaign.

“Yesterday there was a poll out of Harvard/Harris showing that 56 percent of voters say we have a crisis on the southern border. Now that you have the vast majority of Americans saying there’s a crisis on the border, and meanwhile you have Democrats saying ‘abolish ICE, tear down the wall, decriminalize border crossing,’ all of a sudden I think that immigration is going to rise up to be an issue of incredible importance now that the economy is well,” McEnany said.

“It does show, in political history, when the economy is doing well people tend to take it for granted and other issues tend to rise to the top in importance, and I think immigration will be among them,” she added.

If I were Trump, I wouldn’t want to talk about immigration at this point, because not only has that situation not gotten better, it’s gotten so, so much worse, to the point where we now have more brown people entering the country than at any time in all of American history.

If the Democrat nominee decides to point out that he is the worst president in all of history on immigration, he is doomed. There is nothing he can do but flail around and blame Obama – even though Obama did child separations, which Trump signed an executive order to end!

And the economy… I don’t know who is benefiting from this, other than multinational corporations and the otherwise extremely rich. According to Trump’s speeches, it’s mainly blacks, Hispanics and women, and I’m not really in communication with any of those groups.

Jerry Falwell, Jr. is predicting a high evangelical turn out.


Jerry Falwell Jr., president of Liberty University, predicted an increase in Evangelical voters supporting President Donald Trump in 2020’s presidential election, joining SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday for an interview with host Matt Boyle.

“I think 83 percent of Evangelicals voted for him [in 2016], and I think in 2020 it’ll be an even higher percentage,” he explained.

Those are the people who love what he’s doing for the Jews, they love the wars and so on.

God, I wish these heretics would die already. Surely they are on the brink of it, considering the age and the obesity.

One thing is for sure: normal white, working and middle class Americans are not being targeted as a constituency. It is being expected that we will just vote for Trump because the opposition is worse.

But as I have said, there is simply no argument that Trump is not worse than Obama.

Hillary probably would have been worse than Trump, and Kamala would be worse than Trump, but I don’t think any of the other Democrat candidates could be. Certainly Bernie couldn’t be worse than Trump.