Trump Cancels MLK Day Trip to African Museum! SWEET!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 16, 2017

We were all feeling a bit down over the past few weeks. Jew appointments, softened tone, etc.

But over the last few days, it has felt like the Trump we elected is back and hitting the streets.

He’s twitter trolled, he’s smashed CNN, smashed the Lewis orangutan – and now he’s just outright spitting in the face of the entirety of black America.

Yes, sir.

This is what the people want to see!

NY Daily News:

President-elect Donald Trump canceled plans to spend Martin Luther King Day at the Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture — losing a chance for much-needed goodwill after his feud with a civil rights leader.

The incoming president, who spent this weekend waging a war of words with Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), had planned to visit the national museum in Washington, D.C. on Martin Luther King Day.

But senior level transition sources told ABC News on Sunday the visit was called off due to unspecified “scheduling issues.”

That is to say:

Trump is scheduled to split his time between New York City and Washington on Monday, but his team has offered no other details about his plans.

Trump’s officials said he is now planning to visit the museum sometime after assuming office.

It’s unclear, though, how serious his plans ever were. Smithsonian officials told BuzzFeed News Trump’s transition team asked about a visit but never scheduled one, despite claiming otherwise.

The museum did not officially comment on Trump backing out.

Trump’s cancellation comes after he spent the holiday weekend publicly combating Lewis, a 16-term congressman who marched with Martin Luther King. In 1965, Lewis suffered a skull fracture during the police crackdown on marchers at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Ala.

Lewis, 76, told NBC News he does not consider Trump a “legitimate president” and believes it will be “almost impossible” to work with him. The next commander-in-chief then unleashed a tweetstorm on Lewis, saying the veteran activist and lawmaker was “talk, talk, talk – no action or results.”

I’m sitting here wondering how he’s even able to talk!

Look at him!

That is not the face of a human being!

Trump also said Lewis’ district in Georgia was “in horrible shape and falling apart,” a claim with little basis in fact. Although Georgia’s 5th Congressional District has crime and poverty rates above the national average, the area is also home to several Fortune 500 companies — including Coca-Cola and Delta Airlines — as well as Emory University, Georgia Tech and Atlanta’s airport.

But ehhhhhhh

Isn’t being home to several Fortune 500 companies a good reason to not have crime and poverty rates above the national average?

Like, if they didn’t have those companies, wouldn’t crime and poverty then be a whole lot higher?

I mean, I’m not a sociologist, so I’m just asking…

Lewis has said he will not attend Trump’s inauguration, and several Democratic lawmakers have joined him in solidarity.

Vice President-elect Mike Pence told “Fox News Sunday” he hoped Lewis would reconsider — and he also defended Trump’s retaliation.

“Donald Trump has the right to defend himself,” Pence said.

Just like the cops in Selma did!


Lewis introduced the original legislation to found the African American museum in 1988 and pushed it for 15 years before President George W. Bush signed it into law. The museum features photos of Lewis speaking at the March on Washington in 1963, as well as his mugshot from his arrest during the Freedom Rides.


Trump’s refusal to go to this stupid ape-shrine was 100% based on Lewis’ sickening anti-white attacks.

Hopefully there will be many more great shames brought upon the stupid blacks over the next 8 years.

Once, they was kangs and shit.

But those days are long over.

Now, they’re just a bunch of super-annoying monkeys who need to go back to Africa and reestablish their empire.