Trump Commutes Sentence of Evil Kike Meat-Packer!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 21, 2017

Okay so you can call me a Trump sycophant or a shill or whatever you want, but I’m telling you right now that commuting this guy’s sentence absolutely is anti-Semitic 12 dimensional chess.

By sparing one Jew a few years in prison, he got the photograph of this greasy yarmulke-wearing yid named “Sholom Rubashkin” at the top of every news website on the planet as the face of illegal immigrant-related criminality.

Fox News:

President Donald Trump on Wednesday issued his first commutation since taking office, freeing the former CEO of an Iowa kosher meatpacking company.

Sholom Rubashkin, who ran the Iowa headquarters of a family business that was the country’s largest kosher meat-processing company, was convicted of money laundering in 2009.

His prosecution came after federal authorities staged a dramatic raid on the company’s Iowa plant in 2008, arriving by helicopter and detaining 389 illegal immigrants, including children.

The 57-year-old father of 10 submitted fake invoices to a bank that made Agriprocessors’ finances appear healthier than they were so that it could borrow more.

He has served more than eight years of his 27-year sentence.

This kike is the face of super-villainy. He is the embodiment of evil.

And he is as Jewish as they come.

In Christianity, we would think of a religious person getting caught committing crimes as being hypocritical. But in Judaism: not so.

Judaism tells it’s followers to commit crimes against the goyim.

And looking at this story, that idea is going to be popping into a lot of people’s heads.

Other Jews are whining about this.

That bitch is a rabbi.

They don’t want this greasy orthodox kike at the top of every news site.