Trump Convicted of 34 Counts of Paying Off Hooker Using the Wrong Bank Account

Honestly bro, I didn’t really follow this story at all. I saw the headlines and maybe heard it mentioned on some podcasts or whatever, but the third Trump campaign is literally the same thing as the third Star Wars trilogy.

I don’t think I’ve ever made that analogy before, but it’s really a great one. Top notch, quite frankly.

But this is the big story. The first ever convicted American president!

This is almost as important as the first ever Haitian lesbian White House press secretary.

It’s also a relevant marker in the development of the American Anal Empire. Prosecuting your political enemies is supposed to be the worst thing ever, according to the people prosecuting Donald Trump.

I supported Alexey Navalny being imprisoned. I support most of these types of things, generally, because most of the people who get imprisoned like this are vicious gay retarded US shills.

Anyway, yeah, so the basic story is that paying off a hooker was supposed to be a campaign expense. I mean, there would be like 6 million ways in which that is not true.


Donald Trump became the first U.S. president to be convicted of a crime on Thursday when a New York jury found him guilty of falsifying documents to cover up a payment to silence a porn star ahead of the 2016 election.

After two days of deliberation, the 12-member jury pronounced Trump guilty on all 34 felony counts he faced.

Trump watched the jurors dispassionately as they were polled to confirm the unanimous verdict.

Justice Juan Merchan set sentencing for July 11, just days before the Republican Party is scheduled to formally nominate Trump for president ahead of the Nov. 5 election.

The crime of falsifying business documents carries a maximum sentence of four years in prison, though those convicted often receive shorter sentences, fines or probation. Incarceration would not legally prevent him from campaigning, or taking office if he were to win.

He will not be jailed ahead of sentencing.

The verdict plunges the United States into unexplored territory ahead of the November vote, when Trump will try to win back the White House from Democratic President Joe Biden.

Trump, 77, has denied wrongdoing and was expected to appeal.

This was a disgrace,” Trump told reporters afterwards as he proclaimed his innocence and repeated his complaints that the trial had been rigged against him.

The real verdict is going to be Nov. 5 by the people,” he said.

Trump gave a thumbs-up sign through the tinted window of his SUV as his motorcade left the courthouse. Trump supporters stood in a park opposite the courthouse along with journalists, police and onlookers.

Opinion polls show Trump and Biden, 81, locked in a tight race, and Reuters/Ipsos polling has found that a guilty verdict could cost Trump some support among independent and Republican voters.

The case had been widely regarded as the least consequential of the four criminal prosecutions Trump faces. But the verdict looms large now as it is likely to be the only one before the election with the others delayed by procedural challenges.

A source familiar with the Trump campaign’s inner workings said the verdict was expected to prompt him to intensify deliberations on picking a woman as his vice presidential running mate. His campaign website labeled him a “political prisoner” and urged supporters to donate.

I don’t have any interest in defending Trump the baby-killer. Also, I have no interest in pretending US elections are real.

However, if US elections were real, this would be really good for his campaign. And if I gave a shit about him, I’d look at it as a good thing.

The thing here is, however: it’s apparently not obvious to everyone that making someone a martyr is really good for that person’s image. So the media can say this is bad, and claim the polls are going down because of it.

I still think there is a chance Trump will “win” the election (i.e., be installed by the Jews), but even if that is the case, most of the media doesn’t know that and doesn’t support it and will continue to try to do everything they can to prop up a fake election where Biden “wins.”

What you do is watch what the New York Times is doing. If they start predicting he’s going to “win,” then that’s when you start placing your bets.

Although, there is also a chance that a Mossad vote fraud network operating in the US will overpower the Democrat vote fraud network. Obviously, we’re witnessing that most American Jews are getting pretty pissed off at Bibi. But Israel definitely wants Trump.

There was, in fact, Israeli meddling in the 2016 election.

We’ll see, I guess.

I don’t really care and I’m not going to do much reporting on it. I’m just going to deconstruct the system itself, and explain why you shouldn’t vote at all, because voting is a satanic ritual giving written consent to be ruled by these dastardly finks.

If you don’t vote, what right do they have to tell you what to do?

I never signed a social contract with a bunch of queers.

I voted once, in 2016, and I’m not doing it again. Ever.

All of these political commentator people are just wasting your time.

What has gotten better because of politics in the history of America? If it has never happened, ever, then why would you think it is possible for it to happen?

America is being punished by God and it deserves it. America is a gay country full of Jew-lovers.

Why would you expect to not be punished by God?

If God wasn’t punishing us, the government situation would change.