Trump Defends Putin to Aggressive, Drunken Potato Nigger

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 5, 2017

The drunken potato nigger Bill O’Reilly approached his interview with President Trump as if the President was planning to steal his lucky charms. He got all aggro. At least in the clip we’ve seen. The full show doesn’t air for a couple more hours.

Trump got confronted about Putin.

He didn’t cuck.

We hold our breath every time these things come up, and he just doesn’t ever cuck.

He is uncuckable.


President Donald Trump said he respects Vladimir Putin, and when an interviewer called the Russian leader “a killer,” Trump said the United States has many of them.

“What do you think? Our country’s so innocent?” he told Fox’s Bill O’Reilly in an excerpt released by the network. The president’s interview was to air Sunday afternoon on the Super Bowl pregame show.

Trump has long expressed a wish for better ties with Moscow, praised Putin and signaled that U.S.-Russia relations could be in line for a makeover, even after U.S. intelligence agencies determined that Russia meddled in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign to help Trump win against Democrat Hillary Clinton. Putin has called Trump a “very bright and talented man.”

During Putin’s years in power, a number of prominent Russian opposition figures and journalists have been killed.

There’s no evidence Putin was involved in any journalist killings.

They just say this like, “oh yeah well he could have done it so let’s just assume he did.”

In the interview, Trump says, “I do respect him,” and then is asked why.

“I respect a lot of people, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to get along with him. He’s a leader of his country. I say it’s better to get along with Russia than not. And if Russia helps us in the fight against ISIS, which is a major fight, and Islamic terrorism all over the world — that’s a good thing,” Trump said, using an acronym for the Islamic State group. “Will I get along with him? I have no idea.”

O’Reilly then said about Putin: “But he’s a killer, though. Putin’s a killer.”

Trump responded: “There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What do you think? Our country’s so innocent?”

In the excerpt, Trump did not cite specific U.S actions. It was unclear whether he expanded on the comment or added context later in the interview.

“I don’t think there’s any comparison,” said Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., on ABC’s “This Week.”

“I really do resent that he would say something like that,” she said.

The Kremlin had no immediate comment on Trump’s interview.

The Senate’s top Republican, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, distanced himself from the president.

“Putin’s a former KGB agent. He’s a thug. He was not elected in a way that most people would consider a credible election. The Russians annexed Crimea, invaded Ukraine and messed around in our elections. And no, I don’t think there’s any equivalency between the way the Russians conduct themselves and the way the United States does,” McConnell told CNN’s “State of the Union.”

It is absolutely retarded to say Putin wasn’t elected fairly. The man has the one of the highest approval ratings of any leader on the planet.

It hovers at about 85%. For comparison, Obama’s was usually around 55%. George Bush’s term average was 49%.

So shut your trembling cuck mouth, Mitch, you unbelievable faggot.

You have a gook wife.

You are a cuck.

Your opinions are irrelevant.

You should be coaching a middle school softball team, not serving in government.

While saying he would not critique “every utterance” by Trump, McConnell said he thinks “America’s exceptional, America is different, we don’t operate in any way the way the Russians do. I think there’s a clear distinction here that all Americans understand, and no, I would not have characterized it that way.

Did Russia invade Iraq?

Did Russia destroy Libya?

Does Russia bomb Pakistan randomly?

Does Russia fund ISIS?

There is no comparison, because as you say, America is different – they run the world like it’s their own private circus.

Or they did.

We’re running it now, and things are about to change real fast, Mitch.

“I obviously don’t see this issue the same way he does,” McConnell said.

Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., said he had seen the video clips of Trump’s remarks and suggested “there may be a broader context.”

But Sasse made clear on ABC that he thinks “there is no moral equivalency” between the U.S. and “the murderous thugs that are in Putin’s defense of his cronyism.”

Editor’s Note: I’m at least a quarter Irish. It’s just a joke. And it’s also, you know, I mean, we do have a lot of Irish in America that play opposition roles. But at least one of the three Fox paddies is on our side now (O’Hannity); one got dropped (O’Kelly). So, I mean, it is a real issue, but only because of this outsider mindset that the Irish in America have, specifically if they’re Catholic. It’s obviously a lot less of an issue now than it was 100 or even 50 years ago. Laughing about it is the best way to approach the issue, in my humble opinion. And my mixed paddy blood makes it fair game.  -AA