Trump Defends Roseanne, Attacks Kike Iger as the Real Mean Person

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 31, 2018

Whatever Trump does, we can always count on him to have our back in the culture war.

On Wednesday he tweeted in defense of Roseanne after her show was canceled by kikes. He attacked the top kike Bob Iger, Lord KikenStein of Disney himself, who we’ve learned made the final call to kill Roseanne’s #1 show.

What he did not do was say that Roseanne shouldn’t have called Valerie Jarret a Planet of the Apes creature, or make any statement about racism – instead he categorized it along with other mean statements, saying that Kike Iger never called him to apologize for mean statements said about him by ABC persons, even though he called Valerie Jarrett to apologize to her for Roseanne’s mean statement.

And look, that is all it was: a mean statement on the internet.

Saying that “racist” statements are a special kind of mean is nonsense standard. Jews of course have some complex, convoluted explanation as to why a racial insult is worse than any other kind of personal insult, but the reality is that race is just a part of who someone is, and it is no different than mocking them for having a crooked nose, being crosseyed, ugly or short.

In fact, all Roseanne did was call her ugly.

Here is a female character from Planet of the Apes:

Here is Valerie Jarret:

Jarret is an ugly bitch and she looks like an ape.

She doesn’t look “black” to me – she is ostensibly some kind of mulatto.

But who is the one implying that saying someone looks like an ape is racist?

Roseanne did not say “all black people look like apes” – she said it about one specific ostensibly black individual.

The people calling this “racist” are the ones claiming that this was somehow a condemnation of the entire black race.

But Let’s be Real

The reason that everyone screams racist if someone says ape or monkey while insulting a black person is because they look like lower primates, physically, due to variable evolution.

This is largely due to something called “prognathism,” which causes their jaw to jut out like that of an ape.

This is not some new scientific discovery.

It is also not not obvious.

They also have other apelike features, including the nose.

No one is making the argument that the different races do not have completely different skull shapes.

All of this relates to lower levels of “neoteny.”

Neoteny is the maintaining of infant features into adulthood.

Prognathism and other black features are a result of a lack of neoteny, which is a result of variable evolution.

In fact, East Asians have even higher levels of neoteny than whites, which is why adult Asians look like large, pan-faced infants.

Just compare Katy Perry to Kyary Pamyu Pamyu.

Perry looks like some type of prehistoric giant visiting a colony of gnomes.

Asian women often get surgery on their noses have no “nasal root,” and they instead just have a flat plane between their eyes.

Like a European infant.

The field of “Human Biodiversity” is being cockblocked by the Jewish gatekeeper “scientists” that control academia, but presumably, neoteny is related to relative testosterone levels.

But then, testosterone levels do not necessarily determine IQ, though they do seem to clearly relate to violent crime rates along with IQ.

The lowest violent crime rates on the planet are in the highest average IQ, lowest testosterone populations of South Korea and Japan. And yet, the dark-skinned Southeast Asians, who have roughly the same IQ as blacks but significantly lower testosterone levels, do not have anything even comparable to the violent crime rates of black populations.

Point being… what was my point here?

Ah, yes: the reason it is “racist” to call a black person an ape is that everyone knows they look like apes and that the reason they look like apes is that they are lower, less evolved beings.

The assumption that calling Valerie Jarret “Planet of the Apes” was “racist” was on the people who called Roseanne “racist” for saying it, meaning that the racism police are more consciously aware of these racial distinctions than the “racists” themselves.

Because clearly, Roseanne didn’t mean this as a “racist” remark – she was simply noting that Valerie Jarret has a similar face to those seen in the Planet of the Apes series of films. It was the racist police who generalized the statement to be an insult to all blacks.


With Trump coming out in support of Roseanne, he is giving the signal to all of his supporters – who are the fans of the show – that Roseanne, and not kike Iger, is in the right here.

Attacking entertainment media has previously been a very bad strategy for the Jews.

It did not work with the video games, creating a massive backlash in Gamergate, and it did not work with the Black Lives Matter NFL games, causing the greatest ratings and ticket sales drops in the sport’s history (by a massive margin).

The backlash against Disney over this move is going to be huge, I predict.

We need to do whatever we can to help organize conservative boycotts of all Disney products – up to and including these terrible Star Wars and Marvel Comics films.

We need to make their stock drop further than it already has.
