Trump Demands Investigation of DoJ – A Jew is Tasked with Getting to the Bottom of It

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 21, 2018

Good Trump Twitter rant yesterday led to some real world results.

It really shows how powerless he actually is that the only thing he can do about any of this is whine on the internet.

But he did get an investigation.

He did that.

It could be we’re progressing towards punishing some of these people.

Could be.

lol jk

Washington Post:

Under pressure from President Trump, the Justice Department on Sunday asked its inspector general to assess whether political motivation tainted the FBI investigation into ties between Russia and Trump’s campaign — a remarkable step officials hoped might avert a larger clash between the president and federal law enforcement officials.

Trump, who spent much of Sunday railing against the year-old special counsel probe, tweeted in the afternoon that “I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes — and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!”

Hours later, the Justice Department responded by saying it had asked its inspector general to expand an ongoing review of the applications to monitor a former Trump campaign adviser “to include determining whether there was any impropriety or political motivation in how the FBI conducted its counterintelligence investigation of persons suspected of involvement with the Russian agents who interfered in the 2016 presidential election.”

The department noted that a U.S. attorney would be consulted if evidence of criminal conduct was found.

“If anyone did infiltrate or surveil participants in a presidential campaign for inappropriate purposes, we need to know about it and take appropriate action,” Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein said in a statement.

You are implicated in this, kike.


I don’t know who the Inspector General of the DoJ is.

Let’s Google it.

Fucking hell – are you serious?

A Jew appointed to investigate the Jew conspiracy? Within his own agency?

It’s to be expected.

There needs to be an independent investigation.

But what is that worth?

The witch hunt itself is an “independent investigation” – run by the former head of the FBI.

If there was an independent investigation of the DoJ, they’d put James Comey in charge of it.

It does continue to appear as though the only option is a declaration of martial law.

Or a World War with Russia.