Trump Demands Kamala Disavow Infant Sympathizers, Claims Jews to Blame If He Loses

Donald Trump is getting into the meat of the real issues surrounding this fake election.

Because the election is totally faked through the absurd mail-in ballot system, the only actual constituents of either party are the Jews who run the fake election operation. There is no reason either candidate should be talking about anything other than what they are able to do for Jews and Israel.

Trump demanded that his Hindu opponent attack anti-Israel protesters even more aggressively than she already has.

“Despite presiding over this explosion of antisemitism, Kamala Harris has done absolutely nothing,” the disgruntled old man claimed at a “Fighting Anti-Semitism in America” event in Washington, DC hosted by Miriam Adelson.

“She has not lifted a single finger to protect you or to protect your children or to even protect you with words,” he added.

He did not describe what Jews need to be protected from, other than words.

However, we should take him at his word that he would do a lot more to harm people who protest Israel than the Democrats have done. At one recent rally, he appeared to claim that he would begin executing people for complaining about Jews.

“I’m calling on Kamala Harris to officially disavow the support of all Hamas sympathizers, anti-Semites, Israel haters on college campuses and everywhere else,” Trump continued. “She won’t do it. You know that. She’s not going to do it.”

Miriam Adelson, who has given Trump more than $100 million, allegedly on the promise that he will officially declare a policy of complete ethnic cleansing of not just Gaza, but the West Bank.

Trump further claimed that if elected, “ugly anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas bigotry and hate will be turned back and crushed.”

“It will be a bright new day for the Jewish community in America,” he added.

I found these statements personally threatening and felt personally targeted by them – not a very nice thing to do, considering the support I offered Trump in 2016 while every Jew was attacking him. I do not wish to be turned back or crushed.

Along with these apparently very extreme statements in support of the Jews, he claimed at the same Jew event that Jews would be responsible if he lost the election.

“In my opinion, the Jewish people would have a lot to do with a loss,” Trump said of the Jew influence on the election.

He also claimed that this is not a game and he is going to save Israel, while again claiming that Israel will be “wiped off the face of the earth” if he does not win.

Trump is by far the single most extremist pro-Jewish presidential candidate that has ever been a nominee for either party. It is to the point where one might think it a parody. Of course, his reasoning is correct: the only way he can win a fake election is if he is selected by Jews, which is why he claims outright that it will be the fault of Jews if he loses.

Here is the full speech to the Jews, wherein you can find nearly an hour of this type of thing.

I fully understand why Trump is doing what he is doing. He can probably rationalize it in his mind that he will do good things while serving the Jews. Who knows what is going on in his mind. It doesn’t really matter. But his preoccupation with the Jews proves how fake this election actually is. The strategic thing to do in a real election would be to denounce the Jewish war that the Biden administration has so fastidiously supported, given that it is so unpopular with the American people. By denouncing the genocide, and speaking out against foreign wars on principle and in general, he could easily win the election by a landslide. Instead, he is arguing with Kamala about who will better serve the Jews.

Ask yourself: if voting was what determined the outcome of elections, why would this be happening?