Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 18, 2018
1) Leader gives up WMDs
2) Leader is nonetheless subjected to extrajudicial assassination and bayonet-rape by NATO-backed death squads to the unabashed amusement of then-US SoS Hillary Clinton
3) Country is transformed into failed state with open slave marketsSaved you a click
— Jo (@jo_bouk) May 17, 2018
Good point, slut.
John Bolton openly tried to destroy the Korea deal that Trump had almost finished negotiating.
He made a public mockery of Trump and all the work he did to make this happen.
The Jewish media has even admitted Bolton probably did this because of his ostensibly personal bias against Korea and desire for war in the region.
And Trump did not fire him.
Instead he was just like “well, actually I disagree…”
President Donald Trump seems to have contradicted his own national security adviser by saying his administration is not considering a “Libyan model” for North Korea. He joked about attacking North Korea should the talks fail.
US National Security Adviser John Bolton suggested earlier that North Korea should strike a deal with the US similar to the one Libya made in 2003, handing over components and notes of its nuclear weapons program in exchange for better relations with the West.
In 2011, however, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was ousted from power and killed by rebels backed by NATO. North Korea pointed this out while condemning Bolton’s statement earlier this week.
Speaking to journalists in the Oval Office on Thursday, Trump seems to have disavowed Bolton’s statements, saying that his administration is not pursuing a “Libyan model” in the attempt to negotiate the de-nuclearization of the Korean peninsula.
“The Libyan model that was mentioned was a much different deal,” Trump said. “There was no deal to keep Gaddafi… This would be with Kim Jong-un, something where he’d be there, he’d be in his country, he’d be running his country.”
Trump’s comments were overall good, though he did joke that he would wipe out North Korea if there was no deal, which is a joke the Norks probably do not appreciate and which seems unnecessary.
But what I was looking for was an outright rebuke of Bolton directly, since apparently he’s not going to be fired over this.
Everything else aside – this is a man he hired, shortly after he hired him attempting to destroy his accomplishments because he has a separate agenda. In what context would that person not be fired? If you hired an assistant manager at your pizza joint and he did that he would be fired.
Wtf is going on with John Bolton?
This man is an absolute lunatic.
Why is he in the White House at all?
Is there any possible explanation other than some kind of behind the scenes Jewish pressure on Trump?