Trump Doubles Down on Kebab Removalism

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 29, 2017

It was thought that after having been called a racist for his plan to ban Moslems from entering the United States, Donald Trump would have apologized, visited the Holocaust Museum and then resigned from the Presidency.

However, he didn’t do that.

Instead on Twitter this morning, he doubled down.

Also – and perhaps even more importantly – on Twitter this morning, he called the New York Times “fake news.”

One would think he would also need to resign for that tweet, as it is both an attack on freedoms and pure anti-Semitism.

By the way, if you were wondering what’s going on with the @POTUS Twitter account – not too much. It’s just official statements and retweets from Trump’s personal account.

But that doesn’t really matter, because @POTUS only has 14.5 million followers, while @realDonaldTrump has 22.7 million followers.

Still though.

It wasn’t until I saw him on the @POTUS twitter account that it sunk in that he is actually President of the United States of America.