Trump Encouraging Children to Hate Beaners! Self-Deport or be Bullied Ruthlessly!

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
December 19, 2017

Don’t like being bullied? I guess you better deport yourselves, then.

I remember the show “The Ripping Friends,” where as the heroes were beating up the bad guys, they’d turn towards the viewer and say “hey kids, grab some paper and rip along!” It was pretty great.

Only 90s kids will remember this.

Trump is generating the same kind of dynamic with today’s youth. As he deports the illegals and cracks down on “refugees,” the children are compelled to help along by bullying their brown classmates and hopefully get them to self-deport.

We can all do our part.

Huffington Post:

A couple of days ago, Lance, a 10-year-old student in Queens, New York, was walking to his seat in his favorite class: technology. He is training to be a programmer.

A boy, or bully #2, walked up to him and told him, “Hello, Mexican.” The boy meant to insult Lance by calling him Mexican; the bully has told Lance that “He sucks,” because he is Mexican or Puerto Rican. Lance is Hispanic. His family is from Colombia.

First, I have to comment.

Why the hell did the writer start with “bully #2?” Why not start with #1? What kind of deviancy is this? “One’ comes before “two.”

It’s like these people write specifically to make me angry.

Apparently, there is a group of people in this country who mistakenly think that being Mexican is terrible. Who could have given them that idea?

Yes. Those people are called “Mexicans.” Why else did they leave Mexico to come here, if they though being Mexican wasn’t terrible?

Though to be fair, everyone else also thinks they’re terrible, so they’re not alone.

Everyone except Paul Ryan, that is.

In response to the bully’s insult, Lance “roasted” him by cracking some kid-safe jokes about him.

Then the boy punched Lance in the back of his head.

The teacher saw the incident and seated bully #2 away from Lance. Then she screamed at Lance for cracking jokes about him. She sent Lance to the school guidance counselor’s office.

Yeah! The little spic boy got double-teamed by the bully and his teacher accomplice! This is the kind of atmosphere we need to maintain if we want these people to leave of their own accord.

Bullying works.

Can we make America White again purely with bullying? I don’t know. But it’s certainly worth a shot.

The guidance counselor told Lance that he needed to ignore people when they talk negatively about his ethnicity. Why are school administrators allowing hate among our children to continue? Since when has solely the act of ignoring a problem solved it?

He shouldn’t ignore it. Ignoring bullies never works – they just keep doing it.

No, the only solution is clearly to just go back to Mexico, where he’ll be bullied for being a little bitch instead of for being Mexican.

A couple of weeks ago, another boy or bully #1 told Lance, “Go back to your country!“

Ah, so #1 finally comes on the scene. I wouldn’t call him a bully though, as he was simply being helpful in pointing out how Pedro can avoid being bullied in the future.

Lance got angry, and again teachers told him to ignore people when they negatively refer to his ethnic background – Lance was born in St. John’s Hospital in Queens, New York.

Buzzfeed reported that children are using President Trump’s words to bully classmates in several cities across the country.

Hate crimes have been soaring in several parts of the country since the 2016 presidential election.

Trump is controlling your kids’ minds, and making them racist!

One of the Trump administration’s greatest achievements in the short time they’ve been in charge of America is to have created a climate of fear and hostility for brown people, encouraging them to leave – or never come here in the first place.

After all, who would want to be in a place where they’re systematically bullied and harassed by both the citizens and law enforcement agencies?

If this process continues to accelerate, by the time Trump is finished with his second term most of these brown people will have left of their own accord.