Trump Fans Angry at Ted Cruz Endorsement

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 25, 2016

Honestly man, this just makes me hate the guy even more.

I didn’t think that was possible.

What a completely spineless scumbag.

After that convention spectacle, the least he could do is stick to it, and go down with his ship.

Instead he cucks out on his cuckout.

He is actually – literally – a traitor to being a traitor.


Well, we’ll be rid of him in 2018.

That’s gonna be a big campaign.

I’ll be endorsing whichever Republican in the primary, then endorsing whichever Democrat.

After he’s out, I’m also going to organize campaigns against private companies which hire him.

Basically, I want to bully him into committing suicide, in the long run.