Trump Following Through with Campaign Promise to Incite Nuclear War Over Gas Baby

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 27, 2017

Donald Trump is a man who fulfills his promises.

Donald Trump campaigned on preemptively nuking Russia as revenge for GAS BABY MEME.

Well, what he technically said over and over and over was “wouldn’t it be nice to get along with Russia?” – but what so many people in the fake news media like Breitbart, Infowars and the Daily Stormer are forgetting is that after he said that, he added “unless I see a video of Syrian kids getting squirted with a water hose, then I’ll escalate to nuclear war.”


The United States is pursuing global strategic domination through developing anti-ballistic missile systems capable of a sudden disarming strike against Russia and China, according to the deputy head of operations of the Russian General Staff.

There is an obvious link between Washington’s prompt global strike initiative, which seeks capability to engage “any targets anywhere in the world within one hour of the decision,” and the deployment of missile launch systems in Europe and aboard naval vessels across the globe, Lt. Gen. Viktor Poznikhir said at a news briefing on Wednesday.

“The presence of US missile defense bases in Europe, missile defense vessels in seas and oceans close to Russia creates a powerful covert strike component for conducting a sudden nuclear missile strike against the Russian Federation,” Poznikhir explained.

While the US keeps claiming that its missile defenses are seeking to mitigate threats from rogue states, the results of computer simulations confirm that the Pentagon’s installations are directed against Russia and China, according to Poznikhir.

American missile attack warning systems, he said, cover all possible trajectories of Russian ballistic missiles flying toward the United States, and are only expected to get more advanced as new low-orbit satellites complement the existing radar systems.

“Applying sudden disarming strikes targeting Russian or Chinese strategic nuclear forces significantly increases the efficiency of the US missile defense system,” Poznikhir added.

American ABM systems are not only creating an “illusion” of safety from a retaliatory strike but can themselves be used to launch a sneak nuclear attack on Russia.

In a blatant breach of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, the standard land-based launching systems can be covertly rearmed with Tomahawk cruise missiles instead of interceptors – and the Pentagon’s denial of this fact, according to Poznikhir, is “at the very least unconvincing.”

People in the fake news media are so quick to turn away from Trump, even though he hasn’t done anything different than what he said. For instance, he did say “we are going to build a wall, I can promise you that,” – but what people forget is that after that he said “unless Democrats say mean things about me on Twitter, and especially if I don’t get permission from Lindsey Graham, then we’ll just have to forget about it.”

Donald Trump explicitly promised not to build a wall, and that he would nuke Russia.

August 2016: Trump is cheered after explaining that the decision to build a wall will be left up to Lindsey Graham.

October 2016: Trump supports demonstrate ecstasy when he explains that the only way he’d consider having a nuclear war is if he sees a video on YouTube of someone getting sprayed with a water hose.

Breitbart, owned by the Lebanese-Mexican billionaire Steve Bannon, is fake news. Very fake news. The only ones you can really trust these days are the New York Times and the Washington Post, which admit that the wall was just a metaphor for maybe putting more cameras on the border or something, and actually placing missile systems in Europe designed to enable a preemptive nuclear strike on Russia is a defensive measure against Russian aggression against peaceful protesters in Syria.

It’s the same thing with NAFTA – they say Trump said he would pull-out of NAFTA. But what he actually said was “I’ll pull-out of NAFTA, unless I get really excited, then I’ll just blow my load in her.”

You just can’t trust the lying mainstream media like Breitbart and Infowars. You’ve gotta go to the Washington Post if you want the real scoop.

Also, you can check r/The_Donald, where they are keeping clear track of the fact that every promise is being fulfilled, with new promises being fulfilled every minute.