Trump Freezing Syrian War Funds! GOOD!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 31, 2018

Surely, our work here is done.

Yesterday, I expressed skepticism that Trump was actually going to pull-out of Syria.

Today, it looks like he’s actually taking steps to do so IRL.

Fox News:

President Donald Trump is freezing more than $200 million in funds for recovery efforts in war-torn Syria amid a reassessment of the role the U.S. should play in the drawn-out conflict there, The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.

The White House ordered the State Department to put the funds on hold, the report said. According to The Journal, Trump did so after reading a news report saying that the U.S. had recently committed an additional $200 million to early recovery efforts.

These are not “recovery efforts” – all of that money goes to funding terrorists.

That’s all the US has ever done in Syria.

Obama claimed he was bombing ISIS and Russia caught him out bombing random places in the desert while pretending to bomb ISIS.

Exiting Secretary of State Rex Tillerson pledged the money in February in Kuwait at a meeting of the coalition trying to defeat the Islamic State (ISIS).

The apparent shift comes as the fight against ISIS has reached an impasse, with the insurgent group controlling just 5 percent of the battered nation but holding fast to it and losing little ground in recent months.

The Journal said that a sped-up pullback of America from Syria could kick up concerns about yielding control of the combat-scarred country to Iran and Russia.

Why is it ours to control in the first place???

How do they just openly say this stuff???

Of course it is WSJ. The kikes can’t say that shit in the NYT.

I am pro-imperialism, but they are not and that isn’t even what this is. We are not getting anything out of funding terrorism in Syria. If we are now considering it moral to control other countries, we can start setting up puppet regimes across the third world and build up an empire to match that of China.

But that isn’t the thing.

The thing is funding terrorism for the benefit of Israel. That’s it.

The last two decades have been defined by a (((Western))) program to create chaos in the Middle East by empowering terrorists. That is all the entire Syrian war was.

In the past month, U.S.-led airstrikes supporting local forces on the ground have diminished. In January, Tillerson laid out a strategy in which the U.S. would remain in Syria for the foreseeable future to prevent an ISIS resurgence and keep Iran’s influence in check.

Now, The Journal said, Trump looks to be questioning that tack. He has said he would like to see regional allies like Saudi Arabia take on more of the burden, and the White House has asked Gulf Arab states to come up with billions of dollars for Syria’s recovery.

Only two months ago, Trump’s aides thought they’d persuaded him that the U.S. needed to keep its presence in Syria open-ended — not only because the Islamic State group has yet to be entirely defeated, but also because the resulting power vacuum could be filled by other extremist groups or by Iran. Trump signed off on major speech in January in which Secretary of State Rex Tillerson laid out the new strategy and declared “it is vital for the United States to remain engaged in Syria.”


And I did this:

Walking that back is AWESOME.

But by mid-February, Trump was telling his top aides in meetings that as soon as victory can be declared against ISIS, he wanted American troops out of Syria, said the officials, who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly.

Trump’s first public suggestion he was itching to pull out came in a news conference with visiting Australian Prime Minister Malcom Turnbull on Feb. 23, when Trump said the U.S. was in Syria to “get rid of ISIS and go home.” On Thursday, in a domestic policy speech in Ohio, Trump went further, The AP reported.

“We’ll be coming out of Syria, like, very soon. Let the other people take care of it now. Very soon — very soon, we’re coming out,” Trump said.

The public declaration caught U.S. national security agencies off-guard and unsure whether Trump was formally announcing a new, unexpected change in policy. The Pentagon and State Department reached out to the White House’s National Security Council for clarification.

The White House’s ambiguous response: Trump’s words speak for themselves.

There are a lot of different things this could mean, a lot of which are not really good.

Firstly, he brought this Iran war psychopath John Bolton into the White House.

That would be a cool quote if it was actually about American and not kike power.

The new Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, is also a nutjob warmonger.

So he could be ending Syria just to fire-up Iran.

Remember that even during the campaign he was spewing neocon-tier rhetoric on Iran (even while calling the Irak war a hoax based on Bush neocon lies and vocally opposing the Syrian debacle). It was sort of the only problem in his campaign rhetoric. And that has carried over into his presidency.

If it wasn’t for adding those two nutjobs so recently, I’d be more hopeful about this.

But who knows.

Could all work out.

We’ll see.