Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 3, 2016
The Donald appeared on CBS with John Dickless and was asked about being used by an ISIS terrorist group in Somalia in a recruitment video.
Apparently, he was supposed to say “I’m so sorry, I never knew. I’ll change my whole life around to help these hajis not kill everyone.” Instead he just shrugged and implied the interviewer was a retard for even asking about it.
Although I do find it very strange that this happened after Hillary lied about it happening, it is almost stranger the way the media is dealing with it: it is Trump’s fault for hurting their feelings, if ISIS kills someone the blood is on his hands, he should have been nicer.
If these people are really so unhinged that they go on a terrorist rampage because someone hurt their feelings and/or wouldn’t allow them to emigrate, what does that say about these people?
Are those the kind of people you want in your country? The kind that will join a terrorist group if you offend them?
In his speech last night in Biloxi, Mississippi, The Donald accurately stated that the Negroid-in-Chief and the Queen Bitch are responsible for this nightmare in the first place, saying “Hillary Clinton created ISIS with Obama.”
In the interview with Dickless, The Donald also responded to Obama’s gun-grabbing plot.
As usual, he brings up the exact point that I bring up, which is that mass shootings are a mental health problem and the government is doing nothing about the intensification of mental health problems in America.
He will also of course bring up the fact that mass shootings are a tiny fraction of a percentage of the shootings which take place in America, that most are done by Blacks who buy guns illegally.
At the Biloxi rally, he said he would “unsign” Obama’s gun-grabbing executive orders.
Here’s the full rally.
At 19:10 you’ll get a little surprise. Actually, probably not – at this point we just expect him to say these things. He says: “I’ve got great genes, which I’m a believer in.”
We’re believers in that too.