Trump Gives Cookie to Pet Macron, Calling Him a “Great Guy” Who “Loves to Hold My Hand”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 20, 2017

French President Emmanuel Macron thought he was going to rush in and take down such figures as Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.

That didn’t work out for him.

Trump has crushed the human soul of Macron, and made him into a pet.

During the same NYT interview where he called-out Jeff Sessions on his recusal fail, Trump talked about how his little pet Macron loves getting patted on his head and told he is a good boy.


Donald Trump has praised his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron in a rather odd way, calling him a “great guy” who “loves holding my hand.” It’s not the first time the US president has made headlines for his hand-holding.

During an interview with the New York Times on Wednesday, reporter Maggie Haberman noted that Macron had been “very deferential” to the US leader.

“Very deferential.”

In response, Trump called Macron a “great guy,” as well as “smart” and “strong.”

However, the leader then slipped in a rather unexpected remark about the French president.

“[He] loves holding my hand,” Trump said. “People don’t realize he loves holding my hand. And that’s good, as far as that goes.”

lol yeah.

There is something very real here with my dog memes.

This handshaking business goes to a very deep level of basic human psychology. The animal level.

Macron, at his first meeting with Trump, attempted to exert dominance over him by holding a handshake to strongly and longly.

He later said publicly that the shake was meant to be threatening to Trump.

Of course, the next time, Trump established dominance over Macron, presumably in a Tony Soprano style at some private dinner, and Macron came out and publicly endorsed Trump’s positions – including that Assad, who he had previously characterized as the most evil man on earth, could probably just stay in charge of Syria – immediately afterward.

When Trump left France, he made sure to give make sure the handshake showed what had taken place between them – even going so far as to literally rub Macron’s torso like a dog.

Trump and Macron did enjoy a rather passionate handshake – or perhaps hand-holding – session in Paris earlier this month.

The clench began in a somewhat unconventional way, as the two leaders walked side-by-side alongside their spouses. After 11 seconds, they stood still, but still refused to let go of one another as they chatted.

After 15 seconds of non-stop hand-holding, Trump upped the ante by giving Macron a touch on the chest – all while still refusing to let go.

The leaders spiced it up a bit at 19 seconds, shaking their hands in a side-to-side motion.

At one point, Trump leaned in to give Macron’s wife a kiss on the cheek while still holding onto the French president. He then grabbed Macron’s wife by the hand as well, creating an awkward triangle.

The Trump-Macron clutch stopped after 32 seconds, only to briefly resume again 17 seconds later.

It was a truly epic show of Alpha Male dominance over another male.

You can note that between Trump and Putin there was none of this – neither felt the need to try and assert dominance, both sharing mutual respect for one another.

Weird Macron

Macron is definitely going to be a source of entertainment and intrigue for the foreseeable future and beyond.

I do believe that Trump now has total control over him.

Macron is also himself a weird person, who for no reason came out and said that Africans were going to have to stop breeding so much.

Remember, he was not the pick of the establishment. They had to bring him in at the end after all of the other candidates had collapsed under scandals. He is just some random pervert, basically. He’s only 39-year-old.