Trump Giving the Boot to 60,000 Haitian Apes! GTFO!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 21, 201


Get your greasy nigger hands off that flag, you little apeling savages! Back to Haiti with ye! GET ON THE BOAT!



Washington Post:

The Trump administration has given nearly 60,000 Haitians with provisional legal residency in this country 18 months to leave, announcing Monday that it will not renew the Temporary Protected Status that has allowed them to remain here for more than seven years.

The decision came after the Department of Homeland Security determined that the “extraordinary conditions” justifying their presence in the United States following a 2010 earthquake “no longer exist,” according to a senior administration official.

“Since the 2010 earthquake, the number of displaced people in Haiti has decreased by 97 percent,” acting homeland security secretary Elaine Duke said in a statement. “Significant steps have been taken to improve the stability and quality of life for Haitian citizens, and Haiti is able to safely receive traditional levels of returned citizens.”

The 18-month deadline, Duke said, will allow for an “orderly transition,” permitting the Haitians to “arrange their departure” and their government to prepare for their arrival.

The Haitians are among more than 300,000 foreigners, the majority of them illegal arrivals from Central America, living here under TPS. The designation was created in 1990 to shield foreign nationals from deportation if the executive branch determined that natural disasters or armed conflict in their countries had created instability or precarious conditions.

Giving them 18 months is probably not a good idea. They’re just going to use that time to commit crimes and/or figure out legal means to avoid deportations.

But hey – even if none of them end up going, the symbolic value of telling 60,000 niggers to get the fuck out of our country is priceless.

I think a lot of them will go, but the job right now is to build up a general climate of “YOU’RE NOT WELCOME HERE” – this is to give the invasive parasites that impression, but more importantly, to solidify the idea in the minds of our own people.

Because ultimately, we’re in a hearts and minds situation here. Not a logistics situation. The logistics of removal can be worked out very easily once the masses are on-board with removalism.