Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 23, 2015

Trump has become like a rock star, filling stadiums.
Donald Trump brought 30,000 supporters from deep red Alabama to a Friday night pep rally in a football stadium, the latest sign that the Republican front-runner has broad, nationwide strength.
Over an hour of often rambling remarks, the New York businessman reveled in the crowd size while he offered them his usual menu of patriotic pledges and carefree criticism of the media, his opponents and political correctness that he said his crowd similarly despised.
“We’ve gotten an amazing reception,” Trump said as he began his remarks, turning his back to the podium at the Ladd-Peebles Stadium and pointing to the rafters behind him. “Has this been crazy? Man!”
The event had the trappings of a big Friday night high school match-up. Trump flew by the stadium in his private jet shortly before 6 p.m., doing a loop around the arena before landing. The fly-by was announced over the stadium’s loudspeaker to cheers.
How is the Jewish media responding?

Most exciting about the Alabama visit – besides the numbers themselves – is the solidifying of the public alliance with Senator Jeff Sessions – who actually helped Trump with his policy paper on immigration.
Sessions joined Trump on stage at the event.
TRUMP: We have a great politician here. We have a man here who really helped me, and he’s the one person I sought his counsel because he’s been spot on, he’s so highly respected. Has anybody ever heard of Senator Jeff Sessions?
(Crowd roars.)
Jeff, come up, where’s Jeff? Get over here, Jeff. Look at him, he’s like 20 years old. Unbelievable guy. Say hello.
SESSIONS: Donald, welcome to my hometown, Mobile, Alabama. The American people, these people, want somebody in the Presidency who stands up for them, defends their interest, and the laws and traditions of this country. We welcome you here. Thank you for the work that you’ve put into the immigration issue. I’m really impressed with your plan. I know it will make a difference. And this crowd shows a lot of people agree with that. Congratulations. Welcome, and God bless.
TRUMP: He was so great, such a help.
Sessions, as the reader is likely aware, is the only politician in America dealing with the real immigration problem, which is legal immigration.
I of course am against illegal immigration, and am very supportive of it being used as an emotional issue to stir up the masses, but the fact is that despite the claims of the cucks on Fox News, “legal” immigration is a much more serious and longer-term problem than “illegal” immigration.

Along with the fact that “legal” numbers are much higher than “illegal” numbers, they are also bringing in a worse type of person, on average, through “legal” immigration.
It was a big fear in the beginning of the Trumpmania days that he was only against “illegal” immigration. This fear has been dispelled.
Now we just have that troublesome Jew problem…
Here is the full Alabama rally.