Senate Passes Vote to Vote on Vote – Pence Breaks Tie

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 21, 2018


So this was expected.

Fox News:

The Senate on Friday was scrambling to take up a spending package with billions in funding for a border wall, amid ongoing negotiations to fund the government by midnight and President Trump acknowledged there’s a “good chance” a partial government shutdown will be triggered.

After keeping the vote open for five hours to secure enough support, the Senate finally advanced a House-approved spending bill with $5.7 billion for a border wall, after Vice President Mike Pence went to the Capitol to break a tie. That procedural hurdle paves the way for a final vote in the Senate.

If Congress doesn’t pass a spending bill by midnight, a partial government shutdown will go into effect.

In order to pass the actual bill, they need 60 votes, unless Mitch McConnell “goes nuclear,” in which case they can pass it with the same number of votes.

He’s said he won’t do that.

It is some issue of decorum. Some faggot thing probably invented by the British.

People are up on stage in the government house whining about how government employees won’t get money for Christmas.

Do you care about that?

Because I cannot imagine anyone cares about that.

Original article follows. 

Okay, so.

I expected him to crack.


Is this happening?


U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday threatened a “very long” government shutdown just hours ahead of a midnight deadline, calling on the Senate to pass spending legislation that includes his $5 billion demand for border wall funding and seeking to shift blame for a holiday showdown to Democrats.

The Republican-led Senate had already approved funds for the government through Feb. 8 without money for the wall. But Trump pushed Republican allies in the House of Representatives on Thursday to use the short-term funding bill as leverage to force through the border wall money despite Democratic objections.

In a series of ten early-morning tweets on Friday, the president urged Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to take up the amended bill from the House. Trump, who last week said he would be “proud” to preside over a shutdown, sought to blame Senate Democrats, whose support is needed to reach the 60 votes needed for passage.

Republicans currently have a narrow 51-49 majority in the Senate.

Three-quarters of government programs are fully funded through next Sept. 30, including those in the Defense Department, Labor Department and Health and Human Services.

But funding for other agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, the Justice Department and Agriculture Department, is set to expire at midnight on Friday. A shutdown would leave a number of federal workers without a paycheck at Christmas.

Is there a single person in this country who gives a shit if government workers don’t get paid?

More people care about double-pregnant Elsa.

And not many people care about that fat bitch, let me tell you.

If the House measure is put to a vote in the Senate, Democrats have pledged to prevent it from getting the votes it needs for passage.

“The bill that’s on the floor of the House, everyone knows it will not pass the Senate,” Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer told reporters late Thursday.

It was not yet clear what would happen in that case. The partial government shutdown could begin, or lawmakers could work to find a solution that Trump finds acceptable.

Trump also called on McConnell to use the so-called “nuclear option” to force a Senate vote on legislation with just a simple majority, rather than the 60 votes currently needed.

The nuclear option would allow the chamber to approve legislation with a simple majority in an extreme break from Senate tradition that McConnell has so far resisted.

Do it, Mitch.

Do whatever.

I don’t care about any of this bullshit, nor does anyone.

We just want one thing: