Trump has a Clear Plan of Action to Undermine the Entire Kookspiracy

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 23, 2018

It’s funny that with WaPo and NYT losing all of this credibility due to the lying, hoaxing and faking of sources, Jews are moving to these other outlets to try and publish more legitimate news.

I never thought I would think a Vanity Fair article was especially important.

But here we are.

The journalist, Gabriel Sherman, is of course a total kike.

But not one who hasn’t written a NYT best selling book. And the thing is – I imagine he is purposefully not working for NYT or WaPo, because of the crises they are experiencing.

The piece has all the typical Jew spin, but it is actually using what appear to be real sources to tell a real story about what is going on in the White House right now.

And it’s good news.

Vanity Fair:

“The F.B.I. thing really set him over the edge,” longtime Trump confidant Roger Stone, who is himself entangled in the investigation, recently told me. “He’s a little rusty, but he’s on offense. And it’s always better to be on offense than defense.”

Trump’s scorched-earth strategy has been in place since Rudy Giuliani replaced Trump’s long-suffering lawyers John Dowd and Ty Cobb. At first, it looked as if it were careening off course, as Giuliani gave off a series of erratic and combative interviews. Some speculated that Trump might be unhappy with his performance, but sources I spoke to say Trump is pleased. This is the plan. “Rudy doesn’t do anything without Trump’s permission,” said one Republican close to the White House.

See there.

Jews like the idea that Trump is unhinged and doesn’t have any idea what he’s doing. I have no idea if they actually believe that, or if they just want the goyim to believe it.

So you couldn’t really ever write an important piece in the NYT or WaPo saying “actually, this is a strategy, and no, Giuliani isn’t actually making a bunch of really stupid mistakes.”

The strategy grew out of conversations Trump has held in recent weeks with a group of outside advisers that include Freedom Caucus Chair Mark Meadows, House Intelligence Chair Devin Nunes, Sean Hannity, Dave Bossieand Corey Lewandowski, among others. “People think Trump is angry, but he likes the direction this is going,” an outside White House adviser said.


They love the “angry, stupid, confused Trump” narrative at the big publications.

As you shall see, this Sherman kike is going to go with “deranged paranoiac Trump,” which is also obviously wrong because all of these conspiracies against him have all been publicly acknowledged already – but it is more intuitively rational than the “self-made billionaire darkhorse presidential candidate who beat the entire establishment but is also just a total fucking retard somehow” mainstream kike narrative.

According to people familiar with Trump’s thinking, his team is attempting to build the case that anti-Trump forces in the F.B.I. entrapped his advisers using informants to plant evidence about Russian collusion. The theory goes that the F.B.I. later used these contacts with the Russians to delegitimize his presidency. Trump’s advisers say the intelligence community believed Hillary Clinton would win the presidency, but in case she didn’t, they concocted this elaborate plot to remove Trump from office. “Just when you think it can’t get stranger, it does,” a Trump adviser told me. Stone claims the anti-Trump conspiracy includes senior intelligence officials from the Barack Obama administration. “The guy who will end up burning in all this is [former C.I.A. director] John Brennan,” Stone told me. “If I were him I’d break the capsule and swallow it now. That psychopath is going down.”

See, now that all sounds like the actual conversation that is going on in the White House.

Rather than the “Trump is just a lunatic who yells at people and doesn’t even understand what’s happening” narrative that the NYT sells, which reads like Tumblr fan fiction. And the fact that they always claim to have sources to back it up indicates to me that they are just faking sources.

The consistent pattern of being wrong based on alleged sources has effectively proven beyond a doubt that it is simply policy at the NYT to fake confidential sources.

Then, after what appears to be real information, we get the Jewish spin.

As loopy as Stone’s theory can sound, the notion that there’s been a conspiracy among the Obama administration and the so-called Deep State to bring Trump down is more than a legal stalking horse—it’s now a dominant narrative in Trumpworld.The president himself is convinced that the secret F.B.I. informant who reportedly met with several Trump campaign advisers in 2016 was not merely an informant, but an Obama political operative.

And you GOYIM are too stupid to know that this is effectively a semantic argument. 

And also, that is one narrative he does share with the NYT.

Bound to be some overlap.

One administration official told me the theory has become so widely accepted that people in the West Wing are paranoid that the F.B.I. has multiple informants working to take down Trump. “There’s a paranoia about who else is one,” the official said.

It’s now admitted that there were probably multiple informants.

But nevermind that.

It’s absolutely admitted that the FBI – on the directive of the Obama administration – obtained the FISA warrant to spy on Trump’s team using the pissgate dossier KNOWING that it was faked by Hillary Clinton and did not tell the judge. WE KNOW THAT.

The FISA reports were then passed around the administration.

This has all been admitted.

Now we have it admitted that the FBI sent informants to spy on Trump BEFORE the Russia investigation began.

We also have documentation of a “secret society” formed within the FBI and involving Deputy Director Andrew McCabe designed to undermine the Trump campaign, and then destroy his Presidency if he wins.


What are we talking about here, guy?

Another indication of how Trumpworld sees reality is the widespread feeling among allies that Trump is actually winning, and that Mueller’s only recourse will be to build his mountain out of a few molehills.


They’ve effectively admitted there was no collusion, now they’re moving on to porn star sex scandals and random other countries, suggesting that if Trump wasn’t working for Russia, maybe he was working for some other country.

It definitely does not appear that Mueller is doing very well.

And Trump is certainly winning in the polls.

“If you look at the way Andrew Weissmann”—a senior member of Mueller’s team—“has worked in the past, I expect him to overcharge someone or reach for the moon in an indictment,” says Michael Caputo, who recently interviewed with Mueller. Roger Stone told me that he wouldn’t be surprised if he is indicted soon. “Could they sift through my tax returns and find something where I took a deduction on something or some other horseshit? Sure, but they’d look stupid,” he said. “They have nothing. There’s no collusion. There’s no there there.”

Trumpworld’s current mind-set makes continued extra-legal conflict with Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein inevitable, and the well-dissected dangers of firing one or both have not served to take this nuclear option off the table. Trump has been bonding over how corrupt Mueller’s investigation is. “Rudy is telling him what he wants to hear,” said a Trump ally. But “it would be catastrophic if he fires Mueller.” In the past, many Republicans shared this view. Now, they might not be so opposed.

I think everyone is opposed to firing Mueller.

That is exactly what the Jews want.

What Trump wants is for him to keep digging his own hole while he begins to go on the offensive.


The Mueller probe was started by Rosenstein, based on the leaked memos of the perjurer James Comey, who based them on pissgate, which was a fake document paid for by Hillary Clinton – which was given credence by John Brennan.

That is all public, all admitted to and known.

What Trump is aiming to do, and what he is going to do if he plays it right, is undermine the entire foundation of this Mueller witch hunt, which was the illegal FBI operations against his campaign.