Trump has to Say He Isn’t Going to Prosecute Clinton So She Doesn’t Get a Pardon

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 22, 2016

I’m not saying Trump is or isn’t going to prosecute Clinton.

But if he was going to, he’d be doing exactly what he’s doing right now.

If he said “I’m going to lock this bitch up and throw away the key,” she would just get a pardon from Obama and he wouldn’t be able to prosecute.

So, just be aware that the media – they are the most dishonest people.

The Hill:

Conservatives expressed feelings of betrayal on Tuesday after a top advisor to President-elect Donald Trump said that the incoming administration would decline to pursue a criminal case against former rival Hillary Clinton.

Trump’s decision not to appoint a special prosecutor to pursue Clinton for allegedly mishandling classified information, confirmed by top advisor Kellyanne Conway on Tuesday morning, is the first major break the president-elect has had with his diehard fans and could strain the relationship.

Conservative critics were livid.

Breitbart News, the website with deep ties to the white nationalist “alt-right” brand of conservatism, plastered the reversal as a “broken promise.”

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter accused Trump of “blocking investigators from doing their jobs.”

Judicial Watch, the conservative watchdog organization that has pursued Clinton’s emails for more than a year, called on Trump to reverse his stance.

“Donald Trump must commit his administration to a serious, independent investigation of the very serious Clinton national security, email, and pay-to-play scandals,” organization president Tom Fitton said in a statement. “If Mr. Trump’s appointees continue the Obama administration’s politicized spiking of a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton, it would be a betrayal of his promise to the American people to ‘drain the swamp’ of out-of-control corruption in Washington, DC.

“President-elect Trump should focus on healing the broken justice system, affirm the rule of law and appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the Clinton scandals.”

During the heat of the campaign, Trump promised to appoint a special prosecutor to examine Clinton’s controversial use of a private email server. He claimed that a yearlong federal investigation into Clinton’s setup, which failed to find sufficient evidence of illegality, was “rigged” to protect the Democratic nominee.

I think we should drop this issue for now. For sure.

We will bring it back up when the threat of an Obama pardon is gone.