Trump: Hillary is the War Candidate

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 8, 2016

In Lynden, Washington yesterday, Trump commented on Hillary’s insane warmongering policies.

On foreign policy Hillary is trigger happy. She is, she’s trigger happy. She’s got a bad temperament. By the way, and her husband learned that a few times didn’t he? Bad timing. No it’s bad timing. But she’s trigger happy.

You look what she did, and look at this, I just wrote this down. Iraq, Libya she voted, Iraq, let’s go into Iraq. I voted against it except I was a civilian so nobody cared. From the beginning I said it’s gonna destabilize the Middle East and Iran will take over Iraq. Ya know for years they’ve been trying to get Iraq and Iraq has been trying to get Iran. We decimated that country’s military and now the country’s a mess. And what we did is we got ISIS, they got oil.

Her decisions in Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Libya have cost trillions of dollars, thousands of lives, and have totally unleashed ISIS. Now thousands of lives yes, for us, but probably millions of lives in all fairness, folks.

And this is a true fact: Hillary is the war candidate.

Honestly, even if she had been running against Ted Cruz, she would have been the war candidate. She is more aggressive in her interventionist approach than really any Presidential candidate in history, save George W. Bush – and him only when he was running the second time, after he’d already started all these wars.

How is Hillary going to appeal to her own base – which tends to be very anti-war – while having to argue with The Donald about her position that we need to invade all these countries and incite a World War with Russia?

It’s going to be fun to see.

I mean, even if these Democrat SJW crazies hate the racist Trump with all their hearts, are they really going to have the nerve to go out and vote for a World War to protect ISIS and Ukrainian Jewish Nazis?


Basically, I think most of the Democrat party is unaware of just how aggressively pro-war Hillary is. I don’t really know how that’s possible, given that she did that whole Libya thing, and is pretty open about how she wants to invade Syria, but studies do show that Hillary supporters are very low-information voters – the high-information leftists are Bernie people.

I sure hope she comes out and begins defending her pro-war positions soon, as well as this stuff about her husband sleeping with that fat Jew.

Come on, Hillary.

You signed up for this game.

No one forced you to.

You can’t bitch-out just because you’re a bitch.

We want to play the game. 

come out to play

Hiiiiilary, come out to plaaaay.