Trump Hits His Supporter Julian Assange with Many More Charges, Plans to Give Him Life in Prison

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 24, 2019

Man, if anyone was confused about the Trump situation after he chased down and destroyed his most prominent supporter, I don’t think anyone can be confused anymore.

Not in good faith.

He is officially hunting down and prosecuting all of the people that supported him. I expect him to locate a list of everyone who voted for him and just start trying to charge them with random crimes.

Never in my life have I see a politician at war with their own supporters. The only thing I can even compare it to is a rock star that hates their fans.


The US justice department has filed 17 new charges against Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange, who is facing extradition from the UK.

The latest charges accuse him of receiving and unlawfully publishing the names of classified sources.

He was previously charged last month with one count of conspiring with ex-intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to gain access to the Pentagon network.

Assange is serving a jail sentence in the UK for jumping bail.

It was while he was on bail facing sexual assault allegations in Sweden that he sought asylum in the Ecuadorean embassy in London in 2012. He has always denied the accusations.

The 47-year-old was arrested on 11 April after Ecuador abruptly withdrew his asylum, and later jailed for 50 weeks for skipping bail.

This is all just complete nonsense.

All Julian Assange did was publish documents given to him by a source, which is simply “doing journalism.”

And yet, the same filthy kikes that run the media and say that Trump is “attacking the First Amendment” by calling them liars is remaining utterly silent on Assange – if not outright cheering Trump on in his assault on the mild-mannered Australian gentleman.

These charges mean that any journalist who ever receives leaks from the government could be prosecuted.

You’d think they’d be getting worried about these charges Assange just got hit with applying to them – but they’re not. Because they’re the elite, they can’t be touched. And besides, they don’t even do actual journalism anyway. They’ve got nothing to worry about.

Meanwhile, the Jewish NGO “Human Rights Watch,” run by Kenneth Roth, has announced that they won’t be helping Assange.


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, a multi-award-winning investigative journalist and publisher, is locked up in HM Prison Belmarsh in London in solitary confinement. US extradition proceedings have begun. If extradited, he will face charges under the Espionage Act for publishing information that exposed US war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The charges being prepared by the US Department of Justice carry the death penalty.

In a letter to the Julian Assange Defence Committee (JADC) on May 17, Amnesty International UK declared, “Julian Assange’s case is a case we’re monitoring closely but not actively working on. Amnesty International does not consider Julian Assange to be a Prisoner of Conscience.”

Interesting perspective there, kikes.

What kind of prisoner is he then?

A Russian spy?