Trump Hits Out Against Own Government’s Kike Policy, Says Pull-Out of Syria

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 24, 2018

People don’t seem to understand how little power Trump has.

He wants to bring the boys home.

His main power is the bully pulpit itself, and he is using it.


President Donald Trump appeared to dash the hopes of interventionists and contradict his own administration officials, by declaring that US troops’ mission in Syria is limited to defeating ISIS and doesn’t include regime change.

“We’re there for one reason: to get ISIS and get rid of ISIS, and to go home,”Trump said on Friday, during a joint press conference with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at the White House. “We’re not there for any other reason and we’ve largely accomplished our goal.”

While Trump did not hesitate to call the Syrian government “a humanitarian disgrace,” criticizing Russia and Iran for their involvement, his comments implied the US military also had no business in Syria beyond the ‘ultimate’ goal of defeating Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).

Look what he did there.

“Oh Russia is horrible. Terrible bad. But I agree with their positions tho.”

“Ultimately, there has to be a political settlement,” said Turnbull, noting that Australian troops in the region have been focused on training the Iraqi military and not so much on Syria.

The two leaders were answering a question from a US reporter who wondered what they intended to do about the East Ghouta crisis. The suburb of Damascus is held by Al-Qaeda-affiliated militants and has seen heavy fighting over the past two weeks.

Trump’s position might be news to his Cabinet officials, however. US envoy to the UN, Nikki Haley, who has been an outspoken advocate of regime change in Syria, is currently championing a Security Council resolution proposing an emergency ceasefire in the area, following the militants’ claims of civilian casualties and atrocities uncritically echoed in Western media.

Trump has a gun to his head to keep the triangle-faced streetshitting serial cocksucker Nimrata in there. She’s spinning her wheels to no avail anyway. Moving an embassy is a symbolic gesture. The best thing Trump can do is publicly denounce her bullshit.

If he doesn’t have tools like that out there right now, Jews start making even more moves than they’re already making. He is playing the long game here, consolidating power by dealing with this Russian hoax – and he is winning VERY HARD on that front.

The President is doing his best and he is doing very good.

Ever since Charlottesville the Alt-Right has been getting kiked really, really hard by an army of anonymous social engineering agents attempting to black pill everyone on everything and to sow discord.

Please understand that that is happening and try to chill out.

If you feel the need to flip out about something in the movement, or something with Trump, take a deep breath, get a glass of water, and go attack the fucking Jews instead. There are Jews everywhere on the internet. You can go on Twitter, you can go in comments sections, you can send emails – there is no shortage of Jews.

And every ounce of energy you spend hurting the right by attacking other people in the movement could be spent hurting Jews.

If you are not an anonymous kike poster, ask yourself what the hell is going on with your life, and if you have been totally gaslit by anonymous kike posters.