Trump Hollas at His Boi, Liberals Whine

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 5, 2016

The Leader is under-fire for referring to a Black supporter as “my African-American,” as if he was ironically joking about the Black phrase “my nigga.”

And that is exactly what he was doing, and you faggots complaining about it are all faggots.

It was funny and the Black guy himself even said it was funny.

New York Post:

The man Donald Trump described as “my African-American’’ during a California rally insisted Saturday that he was flattered — and that the presumptive GOP presidential candidate is not a racist.

“It’s a compliment to me,” Gregory Cheadle, a Republican candidate in California’s first congressional district, told CBS News in a phone interview Saturday.

Trump had spotted Cheadle at a California rally and said, “Oh, look at my African-American over here. Look at him. Are you the greatest? You know what I’m talking about, OK.’’

I think he should have just gone ahead and said “look at my nigga over here” – and he probably did start to say that and then caught himself.

We are not politically correct. We don’t have time to be politically correct.

Black people themselves are not politically correct and not a single one of them has any idea what you faggots are even on about.

Black people will vote for Trump because he is rich and plays it smooth like a gangsta.

I’m offended by your face, Cenk, you fat slob!

Hit the gym!

No wait, nevermind – when The Leader takes control, we’re just going to make you swim back to Anatolia – that’ll drop the pounds right off your neck!
