Trump Importing Syrian ISIS “Refugees” at a Faster Rate Than Obama

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 13, 2017

It’s just like Ellis Island and the Irish, stupid goyim.

How is this even real?

Daily Caller:

President Donald Trump called Syrian refugees a “great Trojan horse” during the 2016 campaign, but his administration has resettled them in a quicker pace than President Barack Obama did.

Since Trump was inaugurated, 1,401 Syrian refugees have been resettled, State Department figures as of Wednesday reveal. This is more than double the 625 Syrian refugees resettled under President Obama in the same time frame last year.

The president has admitted about a third fewer refugees from all nations than Obama’s State Department did in this time span, as he has resettled 10,565 refugees so far and Obama resettled 14,841. Syrian refugees, however, were a particular focus of President Trump’s when he was running for office.

“Bad, bad things are gonna happen,” Trump said about Syrian refugee resettlement at an August rally.

As president he signed executive orders temporarily halting refugee admittance from all nations, with the first one he signed banning Syrian refugee resettlement indefinitely. However, both of these actions were halted by the courts.

After the first order was blocked by a Seattle judge, Trump tweeted, “77% of refugees allowed into U.S. since travel reprieve hail from seven suspect countries.” (WT) SO DANGEROUS!”

Ah, those were the days.

The good old days.

A month ago.

But hey, one-third overall reduced…

twf increasingly nervous man looks for any sign of anything to be positive about.