Trump in NH, Attacks Wetback Cruz and Crybaby Glenn Beck

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 17, 2016

Here’s the full show from last night in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Donald slams border-jumper Cruz, the non-American Cuban wetback, and defends himself against defamation by Glenn Beck, who has trolled Trump for attention.

Trump points out that Beck cries on television like a faggot constantly (a weird bit he stole from Alex Jones) and looks like hell.


Beck presented the idiot Jonesian conspiracy theory that Trump is a secret liberal. He says this because Trump has previously supported liberal politicians for business reasons.

But the thing is, it doesn’t matter if Trump ever held liberal positions himself. Because what Trump is doing is populism. He is taking the positions of the people, whatever they are. We are projecting what we want onto him.

Trump is no longer a man with personal opinions and a personal political identity. He has become an avatar of the people. Our collective will is flowing through him. He will be what we want him to be.

As a man, Trump likes being popular and he likes winning. He likes building things. That makes him the ideal person to channel the will of the masses.