Trump is at a 42% Approval Rating – Just 4 Points Behind Reagan and Obama at This Point in Their Terms

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 27, 2018

So the very most hostile media is admitting Trump has a fantastic approval rating.


President Donald Trump’s approval rating has rebounded to its highest level since the 100-day mark of his presidency, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS, even as his approval ratings for handling major issues remain largely negative.

Overall, 42% approve of the way Trump is handling the presidency, 54% disapprove. Approval is up 7 points overall since February, including 6-point increases among Republicans (from 80% to 86% now) and independents (from 35% to 41% now). Trump’s approval rating remains below that of all of his modern-era predecessors at this stage in their first term after being elected, though Trump only trails Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama by a narrow 4 points at this point in their first terms.

So he’s basically close to being one of the most popular Presidents ever. With the entire media in a sustained war against him.

If the media was not at war with him, he would be the single most popular President in the history of Presidential polling. Period.

And that is without mentioning the fact that his entire support base has been systematically deplatformed from social media, which is the de facto modern town square.

It is insane that we are even having any of these conversations. It is insane that Trump feels like he has to defend himself from anyone, or to compromise with anyone. He has a mandate.

No one cares about the porn stars, they don’t care about the racism, they don’t care about the Tweeting, they don’t care about the Russian hoax – no one cares about any of this.

So here’s the thing: he has the people on his side.

There is no reason he needs to do all of this stupid stuff with the budget, bump stocks, neocon crazies, Russia, etc.

All he needs to do is just keep playing to his base, nonstop. That is enough. All he needs is this solid 40% and it’s fine. He can do whatever he wants. He needs to keep them happy. That’s all.

He has a mandate.

He needs to do what he said he was going to do.

That’s it.