Trump Just Named Uber-Israel Shill JD Vance as VP Pick (“Nikki Haley with a Beard”)

People who are telling you “no, the election is real, Trump is legit” are either the biggest retards on earth or they are lying to you for money.

This just happened.

NBC News:

Former President Donald Trump has chosen Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, as his vice presidential running mate, taking a once-strident critic and elevating him as the leading heir to his political legacy.

Vance, who will turn 40 in August, offers a youthful contrast to Trump, 78, and President Joe Biden, 81.

He would be the third-youngest vice president in history — behind John Breckinridge (36 years old upon taking office in 1857) and Richard Nixon (40 years and 11 days in 1953). And Vance’s selection comes just days after Trump survived an assassination attempt Saturday, underlining the gravity of the vice presidential selection in stark terms.

Here’s the official announcement, via “Truth Social”:

Basically, he might as well have picked Nikki Haley. At least Nikki Haley is more honest and straightforward.

JD Vance is the worst possible shill scum.

He was a Never Trumper in 2016. He called Trump “Literally Hitler.” He’s from Yale. He has publicly changed all his positions in the last 3 years, but he was pro-immigration and all the other worst positions.

He’s literally married to an Indian. He’s repeatedly changed his name. “Vance” is not his father’s name. Would you walk around signing your name as anything other than your father’s name? Because “oh daddy was mean”? Would you be a well-off Yale graduate with a huge future and marry an Indian?

This individual is personally deranged.

Who are his top campaign donors?

I don’t even have to tell you.


You guessed it, partner.

What do the Jews think of him?


You guessed it.

Why does he care about Israel so much?

Boom, you guess it: “it’s who we are.”


Vance’s criticism of US policy does not include questioning US support for Israel. At the Quincy Institute speech, he made the case that Israel differs from Ukraine in terms of US aid.

“It’s sort of weird that this town assumes that Israel and Ukraine are exactly the same. They’re not, of course, and I think it’s important to analyze them in separate buckets,” he said at the institute, adding that politicians need to better articulate how support for Israel is in America’s “best interest.”

Vance said Israel is “one of the most dynamic and technologically advanced countries in the world.” He praised Israel’s development of the Iron Beam air defense system, saying “the Israelis are doing the most important work to give us missile-defense parity.”

Vance cited religion as a reason many Americans are pro-Israel, saying the United States is “still the largest Christian-majority country in the world” and referencing the Christian belief that Jesus Christ lived, died and was resurrected in modern day Israel and the West Bank.

“The idea that there is ever going to be an American foreign policy that doesn’t care a lot about that slice of the world is preposterous because of who Americans are,” he said.

Vance’s views on Israel are exactly the same as Nikki Haley’s views on Israel.

Fuck this.

Fuck JD Vance, fuck Trump, fuck Trump’s shills, fuck people saying “the election will be real this time” and “the CIA missed,” and most of all: fuck the Jews.

I’m so sick of this shit.

Any single retard shilling Trump to you is lying or so retarded they should be hospitalized. Most of them, obviously, are lying to you. For money.

I’m not talking about the average Trump supporter, who has no idea what the hell is going on and no doubt has the best of intentions. These are my people and I love them. I am talking about every media personality who is out there claiming that the election is real and Trump is going to do anything other than march our boys off to die for the sickening Christ-killing kikes.

All of these people in the conservative media, in the alternative media, they are all lying to you.

Trump is going to “win” a fake election, meaning he is going to be installed as president, and Israel is going to get everything they want and you are going to get nothing. Just like the first time, only way, way worse.

This is real life.

You are all big boys.

Time to face real life.

Time to man up.

Time to buy a certain specific piece of Japanese machinery with a certain specific feature known as TURBO DIESEL.