Trump Loses “Right Wing” Jewish Lobby with Latest Comments on Iraq and Syria

The New Observer
October 6, 2015

Leading Republican US presidential hopeful Donald Trump has likely finally ended whatever little support he had among the American “right wing” Jewish lobby with his latest comments about Iraq and Syria, despite his vociferous—and now highly contradictory—pro-Israel stance.

Until now, Trump has been solidly in the necon camp, as evidenced by his support for the Republican Jewish “end the Iran deal” movement. His latest comments on the Middle East are, however, in direct contradiction to this earlier position.
Until now, Trump has been solidly in the necon camp, as evidenced by his support for the Republican Jewish “end the Iran deal” movement. His latest comments on the Middle East are, however, in direct contradiction to this earlier position.

Speaking during last weekend’s This Week, aired on ABC, Trump shocked the Jewish lobby by admitting that the United States has “screwed up the Middle East so badly,” and that by “breaking up Iraq, we have so destabilized the Middle East.”

During a separate interview aired the same day on NBC’s Meet the Press, Trump said that he thought things would be better for the Middle East if Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad were stronger. He also added that he believed the situation in the region would also be much improved if Moamer Kadhafi were still in power in Libya and Saddam Hussein in Iraq—ignoring the fact that both these leaders were only taken out because of their opposition to the Zionist state.

“Of course it would be” better, he told the show, adding: “Libya is not even a country anymore. It’s not even a contest…Iraq is a disaster,” Trump said.

All of these policy positions are directly contradictory to the Jewish neocon’s grand designs to destabilize the entire region. Trump has refused to mention this fact, or even hint at the existence of the Jewish neocon lobby. His reasons for doing so are not hard to fathom: he is a fanatical supporter of Israel, and his daughter converted to Judaism when she married a New York Jew.


Trump’s support for Israel and Jews is a long-established fact. The Jewish Daily Forward, in an article published August 7, 2015, titled “Trump Has Strongest Jewish Ties of all GOP Candidates,” announced that

Among the expansive field of Republican presidential candidates on display in the party’s first debates Thursday night, Donald Trump may be the most closely connected to the Jewish people.

Trump is from New York, works in professions saturated with Jews and long has been a vocal supporter of Israel. His daughter and two grandchildren are Jewish, the executive vice president of his organization is Jewish—and Trump certainly has chutzpah.

The Forward went on to reveal that before the 2013 Israeli election, Trump recorded a video message endorsing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and that he has expressed opposition to incumbent US President Barack Obama’s policy of seeking an end to the argument over Iran’s mythical “atom bombs.”

Finally, the Forward revealed, Trump’s right-hand man is a Jewish lawyer, Michael Cohen, who also serves as a top campaign aide.


Despite this pro-Israeli stance—typical for many US conservatives who do not understand the dynamics behind world politics—Trump has not gained any significant support from America’s traditionally far left-wing organized Jewish community. As a recent article in the Israeli-based Y-Net news service pointed out:

Trump has mostly managed to frighten the Jewish Americans whose votes he covets. US Jews traditionally vote Democrat: In the past two presidential elections roughly 75 percent of them ended up on Barack Obama’s side.

The Y-Net article went on to state that “Jewish stomachs turned” when Trump called Mexican immigrants “drug dealers and rapists” and that this was the primary reason why they would not support him.

Of course, Israel—which the US Jewish community fanatically supports—calls Third World illegal immigrants “invaders,” locks them up, and deports them without trial.

These are the exact same policies that Trump has proposed, but the Jewish lobby, for their own hypocritical reasons, reserves its hatred and venom only for Europeans who want to preserve their identity—and is silent over the Jewish state’s immigration policies.

Trump’s latest comments on Iraq and Syria will therefore most likely have sealed the deal as regards the demise of the last remaining “right wing” Jewish lobby support for his campaign

“Right wing” Jews in America will—ipso facto—be supporters of the neocon’s policy of destabilizing the Middle East in Israel’s favor, and they will (if they have not already), switch to the “safer” Republican  puppet candidates who are completely under their control.

In fact, Trump only remains in the running at all because of his non-reliance on Jewish donors to finance his campaign.

As the Forward newspaper pointed out:

But if you expect to find Jewish donors of influence in Trump’s network of associates, you’ll be disappointed: The billionaire’s campaign is self-financed, not donor-funded. Forbes estimates Trump’s net worth at about $4 billion; Trump says he’s worth $10 billion.

While Y-Net added that

But Trump doesn’t really care. He doesn’t need their donations. The Jewish millionaires of the Republican party observe his success with shocked looks on their faces. He isn’t a part of them, he doesn’t represent them, and his arrival has made them irrelevant.

The Israeli Haaretz newspaper, in an article titled “Donald Trump’s Jewish Fans (Beyond His Daughter Ivanka),” confirmed the fact that Jewish big money was not backing Trump, quoting a source which said that

Most of the money, those with long track records of raising in excess of $100,000, the RJC [Republican Jewish Committee] members, those people are solidly in the Jeb Bush camp.”

* According to a recent opinion poll conducted by SurveyUSA, Trump would beat Hilary Clinton head on if he won the Republican presidential nomination in the 2016 election.

He has been able to achieve this remarkable poll result by being the only candidate in the election to dare to talk about the extent of nonwhite illegal immigration in America—and the fact that that it is overrunning that country and will, if not stopped, soon turn the US into a cross between Mexico and Guatemala.

Trump has also used his unquestioned media-savvy experience and personality to drive home a number of other ancillary truths, particularly about the absurd taxation system in America and the urgent need to halt the outsourcing of all manufacturing industry—and real jobs—to China.