Trump on Immigration Bills: “I’m Behind It 1,000 percent – But What is ‘It’?”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 20, 2018

So Trump said he would support one of these immigration bills, then he spontaneously did an interview with Fox News on the front lawn of the White House and said he wasn’t interested in supporting either.

Now, according to reports, he met with House officials and said he’d support whatever.


President Donald Trump told House Republicans to send him an immigration bill dealing with Dreamers and migrant families being separated at the border in a freewheeling closed-door address Tuesday.

But Trump’s call to action does not appear to be enough to push newly crafted Republican immigration legislation over the finish line, according to multiple senior House Republicans and wary conservatives — at least not yet.

And the president said nothing about ending the hugely controversial policy of separating migrant families on the border, an issue that has set off a political firestorm. Republican leaders on Capitol Hill fear that the issue could lead to a backlash at the polls in November.

Yet senior House Republicans learned late Tuesday night that they were far from the 218 votes needed to pass a compromise immigration package after doing a whip check on the bill, according to multiple GOP lawmakers and aides. Some conservatives warned that Trump was not specific enough in his support of the leadership’s bill. Others simply continued to worry about blowback from the far right for supporting anything that could be labeled “amnesty.”

“It did not move the needle at all,” said one top Republican lawmaker who has not decided how he will vote. “He made comments like ‘I’m behind it 1,000 percent,’ but what is ‘it’?”

At the very least, Trump’s message gave GOP leadership the green light to move toward a vote on the legislation that has angered outside anti-immigration groups. Speaker Paul Ryan and his top lieutenants have never been under the impression that the legislation would easily sail through their chamber. Rather, they’ve tried to lower expectations, seeking simply to kill a discharge petition — a method for getting a bill onto the House floor for a vote — being pushed by moderate members who threatened to team with Democrats on immigration.

Still, Republican leaders and Trump could try to build support for the compromise proposal over the next few days. The president has not started making calls on the bill, but conservatives are watching to see if he will. That, they acknowledge, could change things.

During the Tuesday night meeting, Trump told the GOP Conference he would accept either of two competing immigration bills slated for a vote this week: a conservative measure that appeals to immigration hard-liners but repels moderate Republicans, or the negotiated so-called compromise bill that the leadership released last week.

Trump sought to reassure Republicans that he would not undercut them if they voted for the compromise bill, which includes a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers.

“I’m with you 1,000 percent!” Trump told them, later adding, “I will not leave you in the wilderness.”

Both bills are a form of compromise, but whatever.

He is just toying with these fools.

Everyone knows it would be a disaster to do any kind of immigration compromise before the midterms, and pretty much everyone is assuming that after the midterms, there won’t be any need because Republicans are going to win so hard that “compromise” will no longer be a thing, and Trump will just be able to do whatever he wants.

That is really why all of these “moderate” shills are trying to rush through these “compromise” bills before the midterms – they either/also want to sabotage the midterms themselves, and worry that if the GOP wins really hard, “compromise” will forever be impossible, and Trump will just get everything he ran on.

Basically, these are the immigration issues AKA ways that Jews are making America less white:

  • DACA
  • Continued illegal immigration over the Southern Border
  • The Wall
  • H1B
  • Diversity Lottery
  • Family reunification (chain migration)
  • Refugee programs

Trump had initially said that would do DACA in exchange for a complete and total capitulation on every other thing on that list.

Trump’s initial thing that allowed for DACA was called a “make America white again” program by Nancy Pelosi – even though it gave amnesty! Because the Democrats/Jews want an open door to all of these “legal” immigrants, which is the main way they are making America brown. Amnesty for a few million brown people would be a drop in the bucket if we could permanently stop the flow – as well as eject a bunch of diversity lottery winners, H1B holders, refugees and others who have not yet been given citizenship but are living effectively permanently inside of our base.

This would also involve a round-up of all the remaining illegal immigrants who are not covered by DACA, which is the vast majority of them. He also had a provision that would only allow DACA babies to stay if they’ve never committed a crime, which removes many or most of them.

I was cool with that.

But now that isn’t happening.

Now, we are going to do nothing on immigration before the midterms, then win the midterms, then get everything we want.