Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 12, 2016
Jeb smashed in his own state, again.
Cheering crowds as he’s insulted by The Leader.
During a rally in Tampa, Fla., Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, mocked the former Florida governor’s failed presidential run.
Trump noted Bush’s low polling throughout the contest, which placed him at the edge of the stage at Republican debates.
“I was center stage at every debate,” Trump said.
“You know the way guys were falling off the ends? I said ‘Jeb, you’re not gonna be here much longer; you’re pretty far down there Jeb-ah. You’re not going to be here much longer, Jeb. You gotta get tougher, Jeb.’
“I don’t think he’s going to endorse me, do you, folks?” Trump asked the crowd, before dismissively adding: “Who the hell cares?”
Way to kick him while he’s underground, Donald!
This is how we deal with our enemies!
We totally destroy them, then continue to humiliate them until they eventually commit suicide!