Trump Opening-Up Massive Off-Shore Drilling

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 5, 2018

If we can actually be free of Middle East oil, that would be monumental.

Of course, I think we should invade the Middle East and establish colonies, subjugating the apelike populace under IRON LAW.


Bucking a three-decades-old prohibition, the Trump administration announced it plans to expand offshore drilling leases in 90 percent of US oceans. The move is stirring strong public opposition.

“We’re embarking on a new path for energy dominance in America, particularly on offshore,” Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said Thursday as he unveiled the plan, according to the New York Times. “This is a clear difference between energy weakness and energy dominance. We are going to become the strongest energy superpower.”

Zinke’s plan is considered the most ambitious offshore drilling proposal in decades, and is a consequence of President Donald Trump’s executive order in April encouraging more drilling rights in federal waters.

Under the 2019-2024 leasing program, 90 percent of the total US Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) would be made available and more than 98 percent of federal offshore areas would be available for oil and gas development. Currently, 94 percent of the OCS is considered off-limits.

Under the draft proposal, which will be available for public input, the US government is looking to lease 47 parcels, 19 off the coast of Alaska, 12 in the Gulf of Mexico, nine in the Atlantic and seven in the Pacific Region.

But second to invading and colonizing the apes, energy-independence is ideal.

We also need to open-up Alaska.