Trump Orders NAZI-STYLE Military March Through Washington!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 7, 2018

This will be good for morale.

Fox News:

President Trump has ordered the Pentagon to plan a military “celebration” in Washington, D.C. to show “appreciation” for the U.S. Armed Forces.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders confirmed on Tuesday that Trump requested such an event.

“President Trump is incredibly supportive of America’s great service members who risk their lives every day to keep our country safe. He has asked the Department of Defense to explore a celebration at which all Americans can show their appreciation,” Sanders said.

Trump had previously considered the idea of a military parade through the streets of the nation’s capital after attending France’s Bastille Day at the guest of honor in July. The president admired the country’s celebrations, and called the parade “magnificent.”

I understand that Trump being like Hitler is largely a meme. I am personally responsible for creating that meme and getting the Jewish media to say it over and over and over again. It was funny and getting the Jews to say it repeatedly was very good for my agenda to blur the lines between normal conservative American politics and racial nationalism, as well as my agenda to demystify the word “Nazi.”

That having been said. There are elements of this Trump phenomenon that can be legitimately compared to things that happened in the Third Reich.

The problem is that praising the military when we are in the situation we are in as far as ZOG could have negative consequences.

But we still have no idea what direction Trump is going to go in with foreign policy.

We do know that he ended the war in Syria. We also know that he’s talked a bunch of Jew nonsense.