Trump Press Conference – Sessions Attacks Addressed

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 25, 2017

Timestamped after introductory blah blah blah.

In a press conference with the president of Lebanon, Trump addressed Jeff Sessions and his comments on him.

He basically said he’s not planning to fire him, he’s just pissed off.

I don’t personally understand this particular situation.

It’s obviously not just that he’s pissed off, there is some kind of plan here. I just don’t know what it is.

I am not a legal expert, but I think that he can’t fire Sessions right now, even if he wanted to. Or rather if he did, it would create an extremely complicated issue. Because the incoming head of the DoJ probably wouldn’t be able to take the Russian issue from (((Rod Rosenstein))) at this point – but I have no idea why he wouldn’t be able to, since he could just pick someone to replace that doesn’t have any potential reason to recuse.

Trustworthy face tho lol.

I have repeated listed the Sessions recusal as the third biggest fuck-up of the first months of the Trump administration.

The first was Trump saying that it was possible that Russia did Wikileaks and the second was conceding to fire General Flynn.

The only reason that the Sessions recusal is third on the list is chronology – it wouldn’t have happened if the first two things wouldn’t have happened. As far as decision-making quality goes, it would be second on the list. Trump saying that Russia “probably” did Wikileaks was such a horrible decision that nothing else that’s happened comes anywhere close to it.

I think Sessions made that horrible decision purely because he’s a Boy Scout. I don’t understand why else he would have done it. I think he’s a conservative Christian who genuinely felt morally compelled to do it, as if his honor was being staked on it.

Overall, I think Boy-Scoutism is a good trait. I like Sessions. He’s a true believer.

He was always 100.

So again. The attacks are confusing to me. I don’t understand why he is doing it.

But also again: there has to be some kind of reason.


Just as an aside, the Lebanon comments should not be taken as being as disturbing as they sound. It is obviously nonsense about Hezbollah being bad, but this “placate Israel for now” thing is part of his strategy as he deals with the current problem, which is the Jewish media accusing him of being a Russian agent.

Saad Hariri is an absolute piece of shit who shills so hard you have to wonder if he isn’t a crypto-Jew rather than a Sunnigger (the thing closest in the world to a Jew without actually being one, both in behavior and in genes).

I sure as hell wouldn’t hold a press conference with Hariri.

I would instead hold one with Hassan Nasrallah.


Trump just shut down the Syrian CIA terrorist program. He confirmed that.

That is happening.

That is a way bigger deal that some blah blah blah and a meeting with a Lebanese Sunnigger Saudi shill and saying “Hezbollah bad.”


Here’s the Presidents Anglin and Nasrallah blank.

Please use for all your memeing needs (and no, they still won’t pay me for plugging them – I just hope they’ll take my advice and fix the backward quotation mark issue and the text resize alignment issue).

Also, no, I’m not planning on ever being President. Or a political figure of any kind.

But I will own the NYT building. And I will put a swastika on the front of it.

And at the ribbon-cutting ceremony when we move into the new Stormer offices, I will be wearing a Bane mask.

I can promise you that.