Trump Primary Challenger Says Trump is Trying to Build an Aryan Nation

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 27, 2019

Oh how I wish that all of the lies told about Donald Trump were true.


Former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld, who is trying to primary President Donald Trump, this week accused Trump of preferring America to be “an Aryan nation.”

“I celebrate that America has always been a melting pot,” Weld reportedly said this week at an Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate event on the 2020 election. “It seems he would prefer an Aryan nation.”

When ABC asked Weld on Thursday what he meant by “Aryan nation,” Weld reportedly said that he thinks Trump “would prefer a nation with no immigrants.”

“I know that sounds strong and tough but he’s very interested in bloodlines and it has resonance,” Weld continued.

Weld went further with his “Aryan nation” remarks than most Democrats have to date, and his campaign strategy may explain his rhetoric.

Sadly – very, very sadly – Donald Trump is overseeing the biggest nonwhite invasion in all of American history, with a least 100,000 illegals crossing the southern border every month. Those numbers could be as high as 300,000 – no one actually even knows.

What we do know is that 100% of those who cross with children are allowed into the country and given work permits, as well as bus tickets to go to whatever city they want.

On top of this, Trump is increasing the numbers of Indian legal immigrants – whom he refers to as “geniuses” – to the highest levels in history.

White people are actually being buried in a brown flood under Trump that is much worse than anything we experienced previously.

Trump is literally the opposite of an Aryan Master Race President, and makes Obama look like a White Nationalist by comparison.

It’s almost like the people attacking Trump are actually attempting to promote him.