Trump Prods Bibi on Palestine Settlements

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 15, 2017

Netanyahu publicly shamed over settlements!


Fox News:

>President Trump touted the prospects for a “great peace deal” in the Middle East while meeting Wednesday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as both leaders sought to reaffirm their countries’ alliance and turn the page on years of tensions between the Israeli leader and Trump’s predecessor.

The U.S. president, starting early on the negotiations, also used a joint press conference to publicly prod Netanyahu on the sensitive issue of Israeli settlement-building.

“I’d like to see you hold back on settlements for a little bit,” Trump said, standing beside Netanyahu at the White House.

Minutes later, Netanyahu gently pushed back, saying he doesn’t consider settlements at the “core of the conflict” and they would discuss the matter so as not to keep “bumping into each other.”

“Bibi and I have known each other a long time … and I think we’re going to make a deal,” Trump said.

After Trump joked about Netanyahu’s apparent skepticism, the Israeli leader quipped: “That’s the art of the deal.”

Trump said in his opening remarks that the U.S. will encourage a “great peace deal” between the Israelis and Palestinians, adding: “It is the parties themselves who must directly negotiate such an agreement.” He reaffirmed the “unbreakable bond” with Israel and added, “As with any successful deal, both sides will have to make compromises.”

The biggest question of the visit, though, pertains to whether the White House will continue to press for a two-state solution. Ahead of the meeting, a senior White House official made waves by suggesting peace between the Israelis and Palestinians may not come in the form of a two-state solution — a position that could represent a dramatic shift from 20 years of U.S. policy.

Asked about the U.S. stance at the press conference, Trump left it open. He said he’s “very happy with the one that both parties like.” He said he thinks a two-state solution could be easier, but he can live with either option.

The two leaders addressed the press ahead of a private meeting in the Oval Office, where everything from the Middle East peace process to settlements to the Iran nuclear deal were likely to be on the table.

The meeting was an opportunity for the U.S. and Israel to hit reset on their alliance, after tensions between Netanyahu and former President Barack Obama – who, despite those tensions, often stressed that the U.S.-Israel bond is unbreakable.

Very minimal cucking there.

And the cucking there was was strategic cucking.


I’m not worried about Israel.

I’m worried about the Jews in our own government that leaked these illegal recordings of the Flynn calls to the Jew York Times.