Trump Rally in Minnesota: Border is Not Getting Less Hardcore

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 21, 2018

Timestamped for start of Trumpening

Trump held a full-MAGA campaign-tier rally in Duluth, Minnesota.

Everyone going up the trees and down the trees – you know the whole thing.

Old school, solid Trump.

He pointed at the media and called them “those very dishonest people, the fake news.” Asked them to show the crowd – none of them did, of course (because they also like playing the foil in these bits, I guess).

He did all the classics. “Tired of winning.” All the classics.

Some new hits, including about his friend Kim and all the great things that are going to be happening in North Korea.

I think he’s totally back.

Or I want to think that.

He made the point to say that there are going to be no changes at the border. All yesterday’s executive order means is that children will be kept in the same cells as their parents. They’re not getting released, as the Jews have demanded.

He also did the “we want people to come in” bit, but instead of the traditional conservative “come in legally” he said “come in through merit – not just through happenstance.” And let’s be real: “merit” is codeword for “white.” Or at least East Asian. Not this filth that we’ve got flowing in from Latin America, Africa and the Middle East – shithole countries, as I like to call them.

There was a single protester and Trump said “goodbye darling – he’s going home to his mom – say hello to mommy.”

(Note: That guy is allegedly this guy – though I haven’t confirmed that. Sure looks like him tho.)

I wish he would do these rallies every week.

They’re very good for morale.

Millions of people watch them, and for the people who get the opportunity to be there, I think that energy really must be life-changing. To see the people come together. The sea of white faces, of every age, being a country together. A real nation.
